Owen Grady x reader part 2

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(Doctor Lewis Dogson pov)
Doctor wo walked in as i watched the behavior between blue and one woman named y/n grant.
The raptor consultant that worked with owen Grady.
I theb said seeing Henry didn't interrupt me.
"What did you find"?
Henry said.
"You have to watch this".
He brought the computer over and said unpauseing where he rewatched.
"I don't know how but y/n was with Charlotte before she died".
Y/n came into the screen and Charlotte told her to hold maisie saying.
"Look maisie it's aunty y/n, she came to see you".
Charlotte pulled out a needle and y/n said as she held maisie who was crying from getting a needle.
"Hey maisie, did somebody get their first shot"?
Y/n stiffened when she got sticked and i stood up when she made a noise.
"Ah ah".
I paused the video and said looking at Henry.
"Did she just-"?
Henry nodded and said.
"Yes, higs had a file on y/n, the labtop he left behind said she was talking to the raptors.
He thought another raptor escaped containment but he thought it was his imagination until she heared her speak to them during the indominus attack.
They listened and followed her".
I unpaired the video and y/n said looking at Charlotte.
"Charlotte what did you do"?
Charlotte stood up and said.
"Your the onyl one i trust to lool after maisie.
(Maisie stopped crying as she looked at y/n with fasination.
Maisie heared y/n speak dino and she thought it was funny.)
You got her to stop crying.
She likes you.
Just like those baby raptors from the park did".
Henry then said as he closed the labtop.
"Those kids that made it off the island had help from an adult, they said miss grant.
She was the one that got away with blue".
I then said grabbing my phone.
"Thank you Henry, looks like we need y/n for more than what Charlotte gave her".
Henry began to protest.
"But sire, y/n is the daughter of the two archeologists that came to the park and has lived with blue for who knows how long, she survived the island and got blue away before you even asked kenji's father for her DNA.
She won't go quielty and not easy to caught.
If blue had a baby then y/ns going to be ferious like blue".
I then said.
"She won't do anything that might get maisie hurt, and if blue had a baby then she more important".
I dialed Ellie phone number and waited for her to answer.
I then said looking to Henry.
"Look at the bigger picture Henry.
Thought y/n was part of our failed bid for dino control, she, maisie and the original raptor are more important".
Henry then said.
"What about Owen, he never gave up looking for y/n
Higgs said he fell for y/n if we take y/n-".
I then said.
"I know move heaven and earth to find her.
That's why I have a back up plan.
Remember those hunters i hired to find Owen.
Where owen is, y/n is probably close by".
Ellie answered and i said.
"Hello Ellie, how are you"?
She replied.
"Good, what did i do i to have the honor of speaking to the head of bionsen"?
I then said.
"Ill called to invite you and your ex, Alan Grant.
To see the invansment that bionsen had made a pin research that we learned from your daughter".
Ellie then got defenseive.
"My daughter wouldn't wprk eith you".
I then said laughing.
"Oh no ellie she didn't work with us.
The files that were recovered upon her research with a college.
And speaking of y/n i got some news.
Y/n made it off the island".
Ellie then said.
I then said.
"You didn't know, we have footage of her escaping with a raptor she helped raise.
We like to get to know more about her from you and your ex.
Her knowledge and mind are.
(I looked to y/n's pictures with the raptors as babies which were on her lap.)
Are amazing".
Ellie then saix.
"I got a call from her, Alan must have to.
But the messages are messed up".
I then said.
"Can you give me the number.
It can help us find her".
Ellie then said.
"She wouldnt have a phone, she have an old satilight phone, it's so old you won't have a location".
I then said.
"Well that's to bad.
Hopefully y/n will be here when you come".
Ellie then said.
Ill be there soon".
I said good bye and i said looking at y/n's picture.
"Where could you be miss grant".

(Y/n's pov)
I woke to someone outside and i growled.
But maisie came in and she said smiling.
"Morning sleepy head".
I relaxed and said seeing blues gone.
Maisie came closer and said holding a coffee cup.
I then said smelling it.
"Oh i missed having coffee".
She then said seeing beta wake up.
"Hey beta".
Beta squeeked and i said looking out the window.
"Owen didn't follow you"?
She shook her head and said.
"No he's getting more food, figured that you probably be hungry".
I then said smiling when i noticed the cup was mine.
"I can't wait to see him again".
Maisie hugged me and said.
"He can't wait to see you to".
I then said hearing a twig branch break.
"Stay down maisie".
She did and said following behind me.
" what's going on"?
I then said.
"Someone is out there, and it isn't blue".
Beta squeaked and i said as she hid under me.
"Stay down blue and dotn leave the bus unless it's your mother".
She squeaked and hid in her nest.
I then said as i got out.
"Stay in the bus maisie".
She nodded and i called for blue.
"Ahh ahh, ah ahhh"!
(Translation: blue come quick someone's here!)
Blue answered and came running.
When she arrived beta came out and i said hearing something being loaded.
"Beta no-"!
She was shot with a trankilizer and blue was next.
I then yelled.
I was then hit and i yelled at the top of my lungs when i heared Owens truck just pull up.
I heared him as i fell to the ground.
"Y/n hold on im coming".
I looked to the bus as the hunters drag maisie out and said.
I fought the effects of the trankilizer for as long as i can.
A guy picked me up and said as one picked up blue.
"If you hurt her i swear to god ill rip you to shreds".
The hunter then said.
"We wouldn't dream of it miss grant.
But if you dont want the little jovinile and maisie hurt, don't fight or try to escape".
I then said.
"And if i dont"?
He then said as owen entered the clearing.
"Then your parents and owen will get hurt".
Owen yelled as he came running towards the car as we drove away.
I then said as i began to pass out.
Then everything went dark.
(Maisies pov)
Y/n passed out and i said shacking her.
"Come on y/n wake up please".
The guy that carried her in said.
"Shell be fine kid.
We were ordered to not hurt her.
But if she fought us she would get hurt.
The trank will wear off as soon as we get you three on a plane to bionsen".
I then said.
"What does bionsen what with us".
He turned and said.
"Your aunt is rare, she can speak and talk to raptors, and the formula your mother made for you and her works for y/n who isn't the same blood type.
She's vauleable to bionsen".
I then said.
"Owen will stop you".
He then said as we stopped and a black van pulled up.
"You think we didn't come up with a bacl up plan".
They got y/n and beta in the van and i looked at the woman waiting.
She said seeing y/n .
"You were ordered not to harm her".
He then said.
" what was i suppose to di she would of gotten away".
The woman saw me and said.
"Ah, mis maisie.
Heared alot about you".
I then said.
"Youll lose".
She then said bending to my hieght
"Oh really".
I got in the van and y/n was still asleep.
I stayed close to her and the older woman said seeing this.
"There's no reason to be scared".
I then said.
"This is wrong".
Y/n stirred and i removed the tranqilizer and she said waking up.
"Tank you, maisie".
I then said.
"Dont worry, Owen will get us".
She then said sitting up looking for beta.
"Im nots, where beta".
The woman speaked up.
"We put her in the front seat.
You'll see her again at bionsen".
Y/n then said.
I looked to y/n and asked.
"You know them".
Y/n then said.
"They tried to buy control chips from manticore, for controling dinosaurs".
Too be continued.

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