Owen Grady x reader part 5 final

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(Owens pov)
We arrived at biosyn after haveing to crash land in the frozen lake.
We arrived outside a tower like building.
Kelly then said as she pointed to the labs on the map on her phone.
"My dad says y/n, maisie and beta should be in the labs".
I then said staring and starting to get peaved.
"Should be"?
Kelly then said.
"You don't know y/n like i do.
If there's a way to escape, y/n will get maisie and beta out".
I then said relaxing.
Where will they go"?
Kelly then said.
"The tunnels.
They'll take the transport to get out but biosyn will stop it".
I then said.
"Where do the tunnels end"?
Claire then said pointing at the exit.
"The air fields".
Kelly then said once her phone dinged.
"Dad said they made it out.
Biosyn ceo just fired him and told him to leave.
Y/n's parents are with her".
I then said.
"Then let's go"!
Kelly then stopped me and said.
"One thing i learned from y/n is to always expect complications.
If biosyn stops the transport before they get to the air fields then they'll have to use the tunnels as a way out.
My dad is going to find the old mining exit since some of the tunnels were built from the old mines".
I then said.
"I just can't sit here".
Claire then said.
"Your going to have to owen".
I then said.
"No Im going to walk and see if there coming".
Claire then said to Kelly.
"Might as well".
(Y/n's pov)
The transport stopped and i said as beta hid in the crock of my arm the best she could.
"They know".
I looked around and opened the door.
Dad then said.
I then said.
"If we don't leave they can take us back.
I'm not losing beta and maisie".
I ushered maisie to go outside and she said holding her arms out.
"Ill carry beta".
I then said as beta relaxed snug in her arms.
"Good girl beta.
(I hugged maisie.)
Good job maisie".

Mom and dad followed me and I grabbed a torch and lite it.
Mom then said seeing that i smelled where to go.
"You changed, it's almost like yesterday we would go shopping".
I then said.
"I adapted, i had to".
Maisie then said.
"She lived with the raptors for five years".
dad then said.
"You lived with raptors for five years"?
I rhen said.
"Not counting the three years Jurassic World was closed.
Beta didn't exist yet.
I lived with blue for about 7 years before beta was born".
Dad then said.
"Whats it like being a nominal raptors grandmas"?
I then said as i slowed down.
There weren't any preditores that i can smell yet.
"Like haveing a kid of my own.
(I looked to maisie.)
Now I guess i have three.
(Maisie smiled and beta peaked to look around the caves.)
Blue, beta and maisie.
(I lioked to mom and dad.)
Now i understand why you guys didn't want me to come to the park when Hammond arrived at the dig sight years ago".
Maisie then asked.
"They didn't want you to go"?
I nodded and said.
"They were worried i might get hurt.
But Hammond promised that there were other kids on the island nublar thati could hang with.
(I continued the walk.)
Plus i practically begged them to go cause not only did i wanted to see dinosaurs.
(I then said remembering not many kids grew up around the dig site.)
But i wouldn't be the only kid in the area.
Not many wanted to live on a dig site years ago".
Mom continued.
"Y/n aspiring to be like her father devoted her time to helping us dig up dino bones".
Dad then said.
"Though i didn't complain, she should of been hanging out with those kids but when she tried she was left out.
I practically scared them".
I then zaid.
"Maybe telling how raptors hunted wasn't a smart idea.
But it was very educational.
(Ithen smelled dinos, but with beta so close i cant tell if its another preditor.
The tunnels most of had some living in here awhile ago.
I then said seeing the ladder.)
We're not alone in the tunnels".
Dad then said started going up.
"How bad can theses dinos-"?
He got spooked by the lizard and i said.
"Told you were not alone".
Mom then said.
"Should of listened Alan".
I then said.
"Your not in a dig any more dad.
(I turned to mom and said.)
And we're not in a class room.
This is my territory".
Maisie stayed by my side and i lead them to a gated area.
I them said as i saw its locked.
Then head lights flashed and i growled like a raptor.
Ian came into view and said.
"Hi to you to y/n".
I then said.
He tried to get us out and got it on the third try.
Ian then said seeing beta.
"No she's not-"
I stared him down and he said.
Once in the car he started it.
As we drove we stopped cause of the people in it.
I got out and said seeing Owen.
"Oh my God owen"!
He yelled running to me.
I got out and he caught me.
Hugging me in a bone crushing hug.
He then said holding my cheek.
"Your okay"?
I then said.
"Yeah, takes more than that to get this paleontologist down".
He kissed me and i kissed him back.
Dad cleared his throat and i said.
"Reunion later, we have to leave now".
Kelly jumped in with Claire and i said seeing her look guilty.
"You played it smart, i under stand that i forgive you".
As we drove the locus that were what caused my mom came here.
Were on fire.
Once the car crashed.
We came across the gigantosaurs.
I then said.
"Don't move".
But someone moved and now we ran to get up the tower.
We got away from biosyn after three bours of running from dinosaurs.
Beta was asleep and now after leaving a statement Owen drove us to his cabin.
Beta awake and ready to see her mom.
Owen then said after i called blue.
"How do you-".
Blue came and i let beta go.
Once she was with her mom blue came to me and rubbed my cheek.
I then said holding her cheek.
"Stay close okay.
You can always visit".
She chuffed and left with beta.
I went to owen and he held me.
Im finally back home.
I thought i knew everything about dinosaurs growing up.
I looked at blue and beta who decided to come closer.
Blue purred and said in raptor.
"Im not leaveing you mama".
I hugged her and i said seeing owen looled shocked.
"Looks like we are looking for a giants dog bed".
Owen then said.
"She decided to be fully domesticated"? I nodded and i said looking at borh sides of my new family.
"Charlotte always dreamed that dinosaurs and humans will coexist.
(Beta got on the bed of the truck soth her mother making sure she didn't trip.)
Now it's happing".
Maisie then said.
"We just need to coexist".
Ithen said hugging maisie to my side.
"Thats something your mother would say.
Now let's go home and me and you can gp shopping for stuff".
She smiled and owen said.
"Ill start working on adding another building to the cabin".
As we drove i smiled at both side of my family.
Charlotte was right, we just needed to coexits.
I don't know everything about dinosaurs, i guess you just need to love with then to understand them.
Thee end.

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