Owen Grady x reader part 1

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(Y/n's pov)

The air was cold and crispe, fresh too.
A welcome change since escaping that island with the only my favorite dinosaur, who also feels like my daughter.
Strange i know but shouldn't be surprised since i was there when blue and her sisters hatched with my coworker Owen.
The sound of purring eased the ache in my heart when i remebered i lost alot on that blasted island.
I lost three of my dino kids, my father probably thinks im dead, and maybe Owen to.
I looked down when movement drew my attention from the thoughts of loss.
The little valocirapter looks just like her mother blue.
Beta, blue had her after 4 years of escaping the island.
I purred back at beta and she woke up.
Yawned, that just made me good aww.
I then said as i pet her chin.
"Morning beta, that was a big yawn".
She chirped and she nuzzled into me, I then said pulling out the blanket I toke with me when i was hired, my dad gave me his hat for good luck and the blanket when he found it in the garage of my place.
It was from the original park, it wasn't sold cause of the storm.
I was there since my parents were invitied to credit the island as safe cause an incident happened, if i remember correctly it involved a raptor.
I lightly laughed as i remember the irony.
My dads favorite dinosaurs are raptors, we went to the island cause of a raptor, my favorite dinosaurs are raptors, i was hired as a raptor consultant.
I escaped the island with my blue and i guess im techinicaly blues daughter grandmother.
I went with my father again cause a couple conned my father to save their son Erik.
Since the first park, thought it was probably just me, I could understnad the raptors, even speak it.
I ignored it again at the second failed tempt of Jurassic Park before it was even built and I was with Ian, his girlfriend and daughter Kelly.
I kept the secret about my gifts to myself, until Owen found out when he came to check on the girls early.
Higgs found out when I got the raptors attention back on our side, which pissed the indominis off.
I chuckled and said holding onto beta.
"I know beta, it's cold out.
Mommy should be back soon with something for you to eat".
Beta looked at me and she pecked my cheek.
Or tried to, I laughed and said holding her tiny head.
"Thank you for the kisses".
Beta got up and I thought it was because she heared blue comeing.
But beta went to the other side of the abandoned bus and came back with my hat.
She placed it in my hands and I said as I put my long hair, which has some split ends, into a pony tail.
"Oh, thank you honey".
I put it on and said as Beta got onto my lap.
"You know this was my dads lucky hat, hopefully one day you and your mother get to met him.
(There were two pictures, one of both my parents, the other of Owen that also has a missing half.
One side was missing cause i ripped it off and left it in blues old nest on the island.
With a message, 'we're alive, we got off the island'.
With the tracker I surgically removed.)
Along with your mothers alpha".
Beta purred as she layed down.
Suddenly I heared Blue chirped echo in the air and I looked up.
'Blue won't chirp unless she was close'.
We are near a cabin which has 2 people in it.
People who could report Blue to manticore or an even worse corporation.
Rumer had it that Owen has hidden a child that was cloned from her mother's DNA, maisie Lockwood.
And that it was maisie that made it possible for dinosaurs to walk among us.
But I knew the truth, she wasent a clone, technically.
She has a mother, but no daddy.
Like Beta had no daddy.
But manticore or other corporations could come and find out it's blue and that she had a kid and im alive.
I can't risk it.
I know I might never see my family or Owen again, but haveing my freedom taken away would be worse than loading the only family I got right now.
Beta moved to go greet her mommy, but I stopped her.
Blue said she got food for us both.
But people noticed her, people from the cabin.
I then whispered as beta looked at me.
"Go to the back of the bus.
Don't come out unless it's me or your mother understand"?
She chirped and I gave her the blanket.
Toke it in her mouth and went to the back which has some junk I found in the darkness the people in the cabin threw out.
I pulled it in the back for cover incase someone came to check out to to see if the bus was truly abandoned.
I bended so that no one could see me if they peaked into the windows from a distance.
I got to the doors and I chirped.
"Ah, Ah, Ah"?
((Translation: is it clear?))
I waited for an answer and blue replied.
"Ooh, ooh, ooh, ah, ah, ah".
((Translation: "I'm not alone, but i trust her".))
I got out of my crunched position and i got out as blue entered my line of sight.
A teenage girl following blue with a bag in hand.
Blue picked up a dead fox in her mouth and walked into the bus.
The teenage girl looked at me with wide eyes.
I then chirped after seeing blues head poke up.
"Ah ah".
The teenage girl then said.
"That was you chirping"?
I looked to the kid and i chirped back a yes.
The girl confused said.
"Sorry, i don't speak raptor miss grant".
I coughed and said, voice horsed since i haven't spoke English in a while.
"Sorry, it's been awhile since I spoken to another human being".
The girl then said.
"I can relate".
I then said remembering that she said miss grant.
I know that there was tv here in this cold place, but fyi was fickler here, even with the best conditions news was hard to get here.
Even a cell signal.
When me and blue got here i tried to call my father and mom on my satilight phone.
An old one but hopefully they got my message.
"How do you know my last name?,
Can't be from the news, television is fickler here even in the best conditions".
The teenager pulled out a picture, a ripped half of it.
She said.
"My adoptive father had this.
(I got closer to look at it and my eyes widened.)
I asked him and he said your name is y/n grant".
I then said looking out to the woods.
"Owen made it".
The teenager then said.
"I m maisie by the way".
I smiled and said remember maisie's mother who was around my age.
Left before the storm hit

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