Owen Grady image

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How you met owen:
You came over to the raptor pad and barry imeaditly regonosed you.
"Well we'll, look what We have you, the one and only y/n Salter Grant the raptor whisper".
You turn to Barry and said seeing him.
You held your arms out and you guys hugged and he said as you turn to see the raptors still small.
"So you here to see how the raptors react to Owen in a bigger environment".
I nodded and you whispered purred to the girls and they chirped happy to see you again.
You then said.
"Hey girls you missed me".
The ran fast on there tiny but growing legs as you went down.
Owen came over to barry and said not seeing you.
"What got them all excited"?
Barry pointed to the doors opening and said.
"You know the person that the raptors met after they hatched"?
Owen nodded and watched as they ran to you as the door closed.
He then said.
"Yeah, henry thought they met her first but she said it would confuse them on who the alpha is.
So she left somthing she wore in their nest".
You sat down and owen imeaditly got worried.
"What she doing"?
Barry stopped owen and he said as blue got to you first, who was rubbing and purring.
The others followed.
"Owen stop y/n will be fine".
Ehp then said looking at you, not seeing clearly.
"Wait that's y/n Salter Grant"?
Barry nodded and said as you pet The girls.
"Yep, I met her once when see came aboard the army ship that was studying underwater marine life.
One of her hobbies besides painting".
Owen then said as you let the girl pretend hunt you.
"Yeah her raptor paintings rasied alot of money for charity's and her father's digs and helped her mommy".
Y/n then said as the girls just jump her.
"Oh no they got me!
(Owen laughed as he watched you twist pretending to struggle.)
Im no match for four strong raptors".
They lick your cheeks and owen said.
"Want any help mis Salter Grant"?
You look up and the girls went into line.
You then said sitting up.
"Thanks, they gotten so big".
Owen then said grabbing a bucket.
"I know, wait right there im coming down".
Pwen got in and the girls rushed and You said whistling a specific pattern.
And they calmed down and sat.
"Now don't rush, your growing but your still our babies".
Owen then said bending down peting them.
"Mommy spoken.
Your growing fast, but we wantto spend alot of time with you".
You and owen gave them both food.
And owen said holding his hand out.
"Owen Grady, your y/n right"?
You nodded and said as you shack his hands.
Your army"?
He nodded and said.
"Yep, i trained dogs before raptors, i was inspired by your work.
So it's true your a raptor whisper"?
You nodded and said.
"Yeah,it was on complete accident when i found out.
My parents didn't have a sitter to watch me so my father compromised eith my mom that if anything got dangoures that I get on the boat with my new BFF Charlotte lockwood.
But the storm stopped the cars.
I whistled the way i heared the raptors whistle when me and two other kids were hiding from the raptors.
It distracted them.
Enough for us to trap them".
Owen looked at your old scar and he said.
"But you got hurt in the process".
You then said looking at your right arm and looked confused
"No, a dinosaur didn't do this.
When the T.rex broke the car, a piece of glass cut me".
Owen nodded and said as he looks around and the girls played.
"Sp what do you think of the park"?
You then said.
"Thought my mom and dad believe that one day what happened at the park will happen here, i think it's truly amazing.
(You sit up as blue came over to you and layed on your lap)
Life finds a way ".
Owen then said peting blue, accidently grazing your hand.
But if that happens, I'll be there to save you".

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