Owen Grady x reader part 1

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(Y/n's pov)
When it comes to working with prestoric predators, it comes with risks, and one of them is getting eaten.
But you pick up a few things that you didn't know were possible when your stranded on an island full of dinosuars.
Like survival skills, communication with dinasours, and bonds with the most unlikely of creatures, like the valocirapter.
Blue nudged me after she heared something.
I opened my eyes from resting them

I then said looking at her knowing it probably wasn't a dinasour. No herbivor or predator would come near us since I was the only human that i knew of was left on the island, that was next to the most clever pack hunter.
Mess with me, you get blues claws and teeth in your skin.
"What is it"?
She looked outside the den she found during one of the many rain storms that have been happening more frequently on isle nublar.
Ever since the indominus, the park was closed.
The dinosaurs roamed free as they should of been since they were brought back into the world by man.
No one should play god, no one, not even.
I then said the last part aloud looking at blue.
Jurassic Park, and Jurassic world's biggest rival.
(I pet her head knowing if I don't play this right, ill lose her to, like o lost her sisters.)
They can't make certian dinasours without DNA.
(She looked at me as her head layed in my lap, feeling how scared i am, and frankly she knew that her days will be numbers if manticore got their hands on her.
I looked to the picture I had that remind of my other valocirapters.)
Charlie, Delta, and Echo are gone, your the last valocirapter that survived the indominus.
Your more valuable to them now more than ever.
(I looked to the other human in the photo, Owen Grady, the raptors trainer.)
That can not happen,
(I then said holding her.)
I won't let that happen, i can't lose another one of my girls".
I then said as she got up.
"No, the tracking device will work above ground, it wont underground of the park cause of the electricity and metal lining the catacombs.
Right now blue you need to stay inside,
(She huffed and looked away, we weren't anywhere close to a hatch that leads to the underground tunnels of the park.
If we needed to be underground so i could remove the tracker, then we need to go outside and go to the closest hatch.)
Yeah your right, we have to leave to do that.
But what if we cross a manticore agent?Their not just going to tranquiliz you, their going to shoot me to stop me from saving you.
(Blue looked at me and i said.)
Your going to have to run and not stop".
She nudged my ankel and i groaned, right the dinasour that tried to attack me was chasing me was a carnotaurus and in the process i hurt my ankel.
I then said petting her snout.
"Ill be fine, ill stall as long as i can, ill find you i promise".
She nugged me and then toke a gental hold of my arm and pulled me and i said.
"Blue go, the isle may blow up but it won't happen for the next few hours, i know this island like the back of my hand since i was here with my parents.
You got to go"!
She shook her head and nodded to somthing, when i realised it was her back, is was when she layed down.
She stared at me and i could swear she was telling me something.
'Im not leaveing you behind for those monsters to find you'.
I then said.
"You want me to get on your back"?
She nodded and i said nodding.
"Okay, we got to go now, we're not far enough underground in the barrow for them to not see where you are".
She nodded and i held her neck and we left to the outside.
I got on her back and held on before she roared and then toke off running.
I heared the cars from far away, but they arent close enough or fast enough to catch her.
I saw the hatch and i said petting her neck.
"Blue stop".
She did and i got off and opened the hatch, i said to her.
"You go first,
(She screeched and i said pointing to me.)
I don't have a tracker, you do, don't argue with me young lady.
Now get in".
She jumped and i followed.
I closed the door and i looked at the lock pad and said.
"If I'm right i can hack into this so if they figure out where we are, i can lock all the hatchs until we get that tracker out of you".
I then said pressing certian buttons and holding the side button.
"Okay that should do it".
Then the alarms went off until the hatch door locked.
It echod threw out the hall, and contiued for miles.
I cheer as i jumped.
"Yes! It worked"!
I groaned landing on my ankel.
"Oh bad idea, very bad idea".
I then said as blue rubbed herself against me and my arm ended up drapped over her neck and she moved to grab the back of my shirt and jacket, like a momma cat grabbing her kitten by the scruff, picked me up and tossed me to the right gentaly so I could lay on her back on my stomic.
I got the idea what she was doing, we have no time for her to get down to the floor for me to get on her back.
I quickly adjusted myself to sit on her like o would a horse.
We had to do this fast before they catch up to us.
I grabing her neck so i didn't slip off stopped the momentum of haveing to do this fast from landed right on her back so quickly.
I then said.
"Okay blue run"!
She did and i ducked when a pipe was to close to hiting my head.
Then i said seeing the lab room.
"Okay there".
She got in and i got off closing the door and said seeing the medicion and tools.
"If we're going to do this, it has to be on the move.
But the island is going to explode and we have to run from manticore.
(I grabbed what i needed and saw the map.)
(I followed the directorions and saw seeing my private dock.)
My ship, it's here, yes,
(I clapped and prayed my thanks.)
Thank you doctor woo even if your probably working for manticore".
Thank goodness my father was famous and i toke after him.
My money went on to buying two boats.
One was gone cause 6 kids and a stegasaures needed it more.
The other one remained and it's still full on gass.
I then said.
"I can do your surgery on my boat, it's tank is full, it's stocked fully thanks to my dad making me have a back up plan incase Jurassic world ended up like the other three parks before it.
(I hugged her.)
We can make it".
Then the alarms went off and i said.
"Okay we got to go, their trying to break in, if they already haven't".
I got my stuff and i said getting on her back.
"Okay blue, lets show them who's clever".
She roared and ran out the door.
I said directions to blue as she ran.
(She went left, i then said.)
Left then take a right".
I then said.
"Continue straight and we'll be home free".
She arrived and jumped onto the boat.
I held on and said.
"Get inside ill set us off".
I got off and i untied the rope holding my boat to the dock.
I heared the sounds of running footstep and i said.
"Dam it"!
I went to the wheel and i started the engine.
It didn't work until it did and i speed out and i heared it.
I stopped far enough so that they only had to swim to get to me.
I then said going to the back of the boat seeing an owen, my old boss and two assistants.
To be continued.

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