Owen Grady x reader part 3

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(Y/n's pov)
I held beta to me, but as soon as the car stopped and the doors opened.
Maisie was taken to the second plane.
I then said when the guards a grabbed my arms.
"No, maisie"!
I struggled and said.
"Let me go, maisie"!
The guy holding me said calmingly.
"She'll be fine mis grant, it just precaution".
I then said as i watch her get on the plan.
"But she my kid".
He patted my shoulder and said.
"For her safety".
I then said looking at him.
"Cause I'm an animal, i lived with raptors and you think I'm dangerous".
I shook my arms and went into the other plane.
Beta stirred but was still under.
I then said looking out the window as we flew .
"Owen please".
Soon as the plane landed hours later.
I went straight to maisie and we stopped to see a pilot.
One I recognize as Ian Malcolm kid Kelly..
((This is just in the story.))
I then said as she looked at us .
Maisie then asked as the guards pushed us fo get to the cars
"Do you know her"?
I then said as Kelly watched, but didn't so anything .
"I thought i did".
(Owens pov)

Those bionsen bastards!
They toke y/n and maisie.
Blue was upset and y/n was right she was more used to y/n than she was with me.
My hand was scratched and now me and Claire are on our way to where biosens plane will land .
Claire then said as i stopped, wanting to punch something .
"We'll get them back".
I then said as i held y/n's lucky hat.
It was what i found on the bus she was living in, living a few miles from me.
"I know, it's just.
(I pinched a wall and said holding it.)
She was so close, and she needed me".
Claire then said .
"We'll find her".
Once in the black market we met barry and Claire met a pilot.
Who I recognised as Kelly.
I then said when i knew why Claire introduced us as she flew the plane.
"You saw them and did nothing".
Claire then said.
"Wait how did you know-".
Kelly spoke up.
"Cause we met once before.
I'm ian malocms kid.
Y/n and i knew each other".
I then said.
And you let her get on that plan"?
Kelly then said.
"I'm playing it smart.
I know where their going, i planed to break them out".
I then said.
"Why does bionsen want y/n"?
Kelly then said
"Y/n's valuable not because she speaks and understand raptors.
But what Charlotte gave her is in her viens.
That shot was made for Charlotte and maisie.
It wasn't supposed to work".
I then said understanding her.
"Are they going to test on her"?
Kelly then said.
"No, my dad said the CEO called her parents.
A way to keep her calm.
(Her phone dinged and said.)
My dad said the packages arrived.
They keep y/n and maisie seperated and beta won't let anyone but y/n touch her".
I then said holding her lucky hat.
"Hold on y/n, I'm coming".

(Y/n's pov)
Once we arrived here .
Maisie and i were kept in the lab.
In a table room, beta in an enclosed small area awake.
Maisie then said as i looked at Henry wo with a murders glare.
"Do you know him"?
I then said teeth clenched.
"He was at the first park".
Henry came in with food for us.
He said placing it on the table.
"Here we go, you guys must be-".
I screeched at him and he backed away and i said .
"You have five seconds to leave this room or its going to get ugly"!
He held his hands up and backed away as i growled.
I had my long nails out, threatening to scratch him.
He then said .
"You have to understand mis Grant.
You and maisie are miricals".
I then said.
"And just because we're special that gives you the right to experiment on us.
(He backed away and i said pointing to the doors.)
Get out right now our i swear this room will be smeared in your blood".
He then said holding a computer.
"Let me just leave this for maisie".
I toke it from him and said seeing He tryed to remind me how it works.
"I may have lived with raptors for five years dosent mean I don't know how technology works wo".
He then said before leaveing.
"Your parents are here wanting to see you.
Your free to roam around".
I then said looking at him.
" first you create the indominus that destroyed Jurassic world,
Now you tell me I'm free to roam around when I was kidnapped.
(I shook my head and siad turning it on for maisie.)
Get out Henry".
He left and i said as maisie watched.
"We have to get out of here".
Maisie then said.
People are out there watching us?
And there's no other-".
I pointed to the vent.
I then said.
"They'll be on lunch break soon.
My parents are here.
But if i know my mother, she wouldn't just come here so see me.
She'll look for proof on bionsen being rotten.
Now let's get beta".
Maisie opened tbe barrier and beta ran to me.
I got her and said as maisie toke a picture with the computer and put the movements on a loop.
I used my long nails and i said as beta waited for me.
"Well be up there soon.
Now get moveing".
I helped maisie up and i said as i crawled in, and followed behind them.
"Uh I'm geting to old for this".
Maisie then said as we followed beta.
"You done this before"?
I then said as beta circled a vent that shows an empty hallway.
"More than once.
The first park, we went threw the wants to get away from the raptors that were hunting us.
(Maisie looked at me.)
Yes the same ones that were the cause my parents came to the park to claim it's safe.
Wounder what they think when they see a baby raptor following their daughter".
Maisie then said as i opened the vent with my nails.
"Why does beta trust you"?
I then said.
"She imprinted on both me and blue.
I'm technically.
(I moved the vent and said helping maisie down.)
Her grandmother.
Blue is like my second daughter".
Maisie then said.
"Who's your first"?
I then said as i got out held my arms out to catch beta.
"You, even though you arent mine.
Your still my kid".
I caught beta and i said holding maisie .
"I may not of been there for you as you grew up.
But I won't let them hurt and take you from me".
She hugged me back and I said as i grabbed her hand.
"Okay, if my parents are here.
We'll run into them eventually.
But let's find a place to hide".
We ran and ranstoepped when we heared wishing nosiies.
I then said seeing two people fall out of a room with moths inside biting the glass.
Big as moths, prehistoric moths.
"Oh you guys okay-".
They looked at me and said as i recognised their eyes.
"Mom, dad"?
They yelled as they removed their masks.
They hugged me and beta squeaked and mom saidbacking away.
"Oh my-".
Dad then said as beta purred and cuddled into me.
She did this sometimes when she was tiny when other writers were around.
She's shy.
"Is that-"?
I then said.
"Mom, dad, this is beta, my grandraptor".

To be continued...

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