Male Claire Dearing x reader

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(Y/n's pov)

If anybody told me I be working alongside rapoters I would be jumping to the moon.
If anybody told me my boss would be interested in me romantically then I would of laughed in their face.

My dad's jeep pulled up to the raptor paddock early.
Well it was morning and nobody is up at this ungodly hour of the morning.
So traffic was non existant.
I then said as I lightly held the raptor claw hanging from my review mirror.
Then looked to a picture tucked in the corner of my glass meter.
"I wish you could visit dad, see what me and my friends are working on.
(I sighed and then said.)
Who am i kidding i wish you could come and see me".
I grabbed his all white hat he gave me when i toke the position of raptor consultant.
I put it on my head, locked my jeep and then went into the paddock.
Barry was petting Delta, his favorite raptor, who was calm in her harness.
I then said as the other three began purring and shacking cause they wanted to rub and cuddle with me.
"How is she"?
Barry then said looking at me smiling.
"Tired, but she's still growing".
I then said as i began petting the other three.
"Its almost like it was yesterday that they just hatched".
Blue relaxed and I said as I looked at the scar that finally healed.
"Its a mirical that they survived and resisted the indominus".
Blue chirped as she looked at me, no slit iris, medium circled like a car glad to see there favorite person in the family.
Barry then said looking at me.
"They love there mom more than someone that shared half their DNA".
I then said lightly smiling as i came over to pet delta who woke up purring as she saw me.
"Nature vs, nurture.
Nurture won.
(She leaned as best she could into my touch since she was in her harness.)
I'm so proud of you my baby girls.
But next time you guys think of giveing me or your alpha a heart attack warn us".
Blue chirped and the others followed, i then said looking at Barry.
"You scared us and uncle Barry to pieces when you fought the indominus".
Barry then said seeing that I adjusted my hat more than usual.
"You still anxious after what happened ha"?
I then said as i remembered how my father and mother reacted when every I was with them when they encountered dinosaurs.
I was 4 years old when I was at the first park.
My parents probably had mini heart attacks when I ran on my tiny legs to pet the raptor that escaped and they purred when they heared me chirping and squeaking like them.
"Now I under stand how my parents felt when I ran to a raptor instead of running away from them".
Barry then asked.
"You ran towards the rapotrs that escaped"?
I nodded and said.
"I was amazed to see my favorite dinosaurs walking the earth again and I was the first child to see them.
(I furrowed my eye brows and said.)
The smart one knew I was just curious.
To her I was a baby, her instinct to care and protect kicked in and began purring like a big scaly cat.
She wasn't aggressive, it was like to her I was her little raptorling.
That's when my father knew that they weren't just prehistoric preditors, hunters, they were family that cared for children".
I realsed the harnesses and they left to get into there habitat.
I went into the enclosure and said as i hugged them as the huddled into me.
"That love and protect their family".
They backed up and I said lightly scratched their chins.
"Its almost like yesterday you were small enough for me to carry you".
Owen called out from the ramps .
"Hey Grant,
(I looked at him and said.)
Don't hog them all to yourself".
Im so sorry where are my manners I'm Y/n Grant, if you want to be formal it's Dr. Y/n Grant PhD in anthropology from the Mesozoic to the late cretashous.
I think there's the harriac period to.
I sticked my tounge out playfully and he laughed and said still alittle shaken.
"Cute Y/n but mind coming up, you got some visitors".
I rolled my eyes and said waving my hand.
"If it's Clarks assistant with apology gifts again just send them to my house please.
I want it spend more time with the girls".
Owen the said lightly smiling before moving.
"Its not Clark's assistants".
My father, white and gray hair and a beared and his new favorite hat.
My mom, hair long and golden with a astonished smile.
I then said heart beating like a jack rabbit.
"Dad, mom".
They smiled and i turned to the girls and said.
"Mommy's got to go, but ill be right back".
Blue nodded and then chirped to her sisters and then went into the vegetation.
I got up to the ramp and i said before going to them to hug them.
"You guys came".
Mom then said lightly patted my back.
"Of course we did sweetie, we missed you".
Dad then said as i saw the love in his eyes.
"Besides we would miss seeing you in your element for the world".
I smiled and mom said looking me and probably sees me as a kid.
"Its almost like yesterday you followed us throughout the dig sight carrying your little brushes".
I looked down bashful, i then said.
"Mom I was 3 and i wanted to see dinosaur bones".
Dad then said looking me over.
"It was hard to tell you that they died out, but you pulled through wanting to learn.
(We looked at the girls who decided to look at the new people that came over.)
And look at you know, mommy raptor to these beautiful creatures".
I then said smiling as I looked at them.
"Know i get why you and mom react the way you do when I'm ever in.
(I smiled playfully as i looked to my mom.)
What did you call them mom?,
Mesozoic encounters"?
She tilted her head at me and said lightly laughing.
"You were more like your father when it comes to walking with the dinosuars.
(She guestered to them.)
So what are their names"?
I then guestered to owen.
"Owen named three of them after the government lingo from his time in the Navy".
Dad looked at owen and asked.
"So your former Navy"?
Owen nodded and said.
"Yes mister Grant, the green one is Delta, the yellow one Charlie, the red one echo and the beta of the raptor squad is blue.
(Owen guestered to me.)
Y/n named her cause of the blue streak".
Dad then said looking at me with a proud papa look in his eye.
"Blue is her favorite color, her prom dress was blue, roses dyed blue, tulips".
Owen lightly smirked at me.
I then said.
"I was not like the other girls".
Barry came over and said.
"Y/n You got another visitor".
Dad then said.
"Your becomeing quit popular".
I then said to my dad.
"Dad this is Barry he works with Owen and me".
Barry shook my parents hands and i left to see that my visitor was waiting on the stairs that lead up to the overhead railing of the paddock.
It was Clark, holding blue dyed roses and I decided not to walk away.
I walked toward him and i said.
"Mister Dearing,
(I then said.)
What do I owe the honor of this visit in person with the new owner of Jurassic World"?
He then said and i imeaditly saw the change in his behaviour since the indominus incident.
"You have every right to be upset with me.
I don't deserve your forgiveness, i put the guests, the rapotrs and you in danger.
(He held the roses to me and I lightly held them.)
I don't deserve to ask this of you, but is there a chance that I might try to earn your trust and forgiveness by taking you out to dinner"?

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