Owen Grady x reader

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(Y/n's pov)
When I imagened working with valociraptor's as a liaison, I never thought it come to what was going to happen today.
It was just a normal day at the raptor pen, I was back early from the main land cause I wanted to see my girls.
Barry was here early to and said seeing me.
"Y/n hey, your early".
I then said smiling as I watch the girls sleep.
"So are you".
He then said.
"True, but why are you back early miss Grant"?
Yep I'm Y/n Grant daughter of doctor Allen Grant.
When I was assigned onto the rapoters, I didn't know I get to work with a surprisingly handsome trainer named Owen Grady.
I then finally spook.
"I just want to see my girls, it's been a while, plus I wanted to surprise Owen, knowing these girls they gave him a run for his money".
Barry laughed and said.
"Oh did they ever,
They wouldn't listen to a single one of Owens commands".
I then said pointing to me.
"Mommas girls".
He nodded and said.
"You want me to wake them up"?
I then said raising my hand.
"No I got it".
I went down to the saftey gate and said to the girls calling softly.
Blue, Delta, Charlie, echo.
Mommy's back".
Blue lifted her head tiredly and looked to me and then chirped getting up, which woke up her sisters.
They came over and they put their noses against the bars and I pet them as they purred happily.
I then said.
"You girls missed me?
Did you give your alpha much trouble"?
They chirped as if saying yes, yes they did.
I smiled and said.
"You know you girls have to behave when mommy's gone.
(I sighed as they knocked into each other, wanting more pets.)
I missed you guys to.
(I smiled and said.)
You can't tell Owen I'm back yet, it'll be our little secret.
Now let's practice some moves".
They nodded and left the area and i went back up the stairs, grabbed Owens clicker on the way.
I grabbed the girls treats and i said to them.
"Okay Ladys, let's do this".
I clicked and they turned.
I tossed them their treats, did a few more tricks before i noticed owen was coming along with the rest of the raptor staff.
I clicked the clicker and said to the girls.
"Remember surprise".
I past barry and he said.
"You want me to tell owen"?
I then said hiding in a box.
"No, not yet, and barry.
(I pointed to the cloth that's on the box.)
Cover the entrance please"?
He nodded and hid me.
The girls chirped and Owen said seeing the girls passing me.
"Well, you girls are up early?
You guys behaving now"?
Barry then said.
"They woke up and waited, i never thought they last this long quiet".
Owen then said.
"They miss y/n i don't know how she does it".
Barry then said playfully.
"Mabey cause they are mommas girls"?
Owen from the way the silence turned out, one was staring at barry betrayed.
He said.
"Mommas girls, Barry you traitor".
Barry then laughed and so did I, but i covered my mouth when owen asked.
"Did you hear that"?
Barry then said distracting Owen and walking him away.
"Mabey the girls aren't the only ones missing momma uh alpha?
(Barry then said.)
Or are the girl listing to y/n because shes the only one that can take you on"?
I snickered, that's right before i arrived as the liaison, i met Owen when the girls just hatched, before the girls got to big for me to even hold them.
Anyone that worked with owen was to afriad to speak against him, prove him wrong.
Everyone at the paddock even question who the alpha is.
Owen, being bested by a woman.
I stopped when owen was walking back over.
"Barry are you sure no one else is here"?
Barry then said standing infront of me.
"Im sure, probably the girls".
Owen then said to everyone.
"Okay everyone lets get to work".
Owen walked away and said seeing he can't find his clicker.
"Dam, has anyone seen my clicker"?
Barry said comeing back.
"Ill look over here".
Barry moved the blanket and i smiled trying to contain my laughter and he said.
"You almost gave your self away.
Better go before someone notices your in here".
I nodded and moved.
Thank fully the staff were to bussy to even notice I was passing by.
I stood in the middle of the walk way when someone fell in.
The new intern, who aparently missed stepped, getting ready to pick up the pig when the pig is out once Owen finds his clicker.
I jumped in by rope and said to the girls.
"Blue, Charlie, delta.
(I saw echo circling back.)
Echo i see you, girls back up right now".
They did when blue chirped at them and I said to the intern.
"You okay"?
He then said.
"Im fine, but my leg is broken".
I then said backing up.
He then said.
I then said.
"Can you crawl, if i turn my attention to you theyll think it's okay to attack".
He said crawling and I moved to stay infront of him.
"Yes i can".
I had sugar cubes with me so i said to the girls.
"Good, job girls.
(I pulled out the sugar and said tossing to each one.)
There we go.
(I pulled the vocal cords of a raptor my dad gave me, a memento of what happened on isle souarna blew and they left.)
Good girls".
I went to the intern and helped him to the saftey of the opening and the bars closed.
I helped the intern up the stairs and owen siad.
"Get medical now"!
He ran over and said once the intern sat down.
"You want to know why the job was open".
The intern looked sick and i said to owen.
"Don't scare the guy owen,
(Owen looked right at me.)
That's not atractive at all".
Owen walked over and hugged me and i smiled.
I then said once owen pulled away.
"Wow, Owen grady speechless, that's a new one".
He then kissed me and i was shocked.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and once we pulled away and said.
"Don't ever scare me like that again, i don't know where ill be without you if-".
I then said.
"Probably trying to get the girls to eat something".
He pecked my lips again and i held the clicker up and owen said smiling.
"That's where it went.
So it was you who was laughing and snickering".
I then said.
"I wanted to surprise you, did not go how i planned but, hey, plans change".
He then said smiling.
"What was the plan"?
I then siad.
"I planed to wait on the deck and get the girls to do some tricks and then say good job girls and when you noticed i was there and say hi owen missed me"?
He smield and said.
"I sure did, now where were we"?
I pecked his lips and said knowing people were watching
"Lets get back to work everybody".
That is the start of an amazing relashionship.
Thee end.

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