Zach Mitchell x reader part 1

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(Y/n's pov)
Everything was fine in the beginning, the day started like any other.
My trip to isle nublar was the same, well, almost.
One thing was different, I was going by myself this time.
I was wearing my dad's lucky hat and the fossil raptor claw around my neck.
The base of the retractable claw was drilled through so I could where it like a chocker.
The tip had a dull ember tip added to keep the sharp point of the claw from cutting my throat.
My parents were skeptics about parks like the one build on the same island they went to before I even existed.
But I only ever been to the hidden world with my best friend Kelly, and went with my father cause, well it was his weekend.
Sorry where are my manners im y/n Grant, daughter of Dr. Alan Grant and Dr. Ellie Satler.
My godfather if you can believe it is Dr. Ian Malcolm, or as i like to call him uncle rockstar of chaos theory.
He got a kick out of it, my parents were shocked he found it funny.
I lightly touched my claw and sighed as i looked ahead to see nothing but water.
It was still early and the boat ride toke roughly an hour last time.
But that was a different boat, my father and mother got a call from this Claire Dearing woundering if they be intreseted about endorsing the park.
Of course they didn't want any part of it, when i came into the room i was holding my claw turned into a necklace.
Wanting my parents to be proud of me for my creativity.
When i heared them saying no to the park they looked at me and wondered.
I was saddened at the chance I would never get to see another dinosaur when they did.
My father and my god father got to see them twice in their lives, so why can't i?

(Flash back)
I looked at them and i said quietly.
"Daddy, mommy"?
I looked at them both and my eyes began to weld up.
Alan then said into the phone.
"Can you hold on for a minute please"?
Who ever he was talking to was put on hold.
He then said as he got close to me, seeing my necklace.
"Can we see your new necklace"?
I nodded and mom said as she examined it while looking at my dad.
"Alan, i think maybe we should try to give that place another chance".
Dad then said as he looked at the safy tip i made.
"Ellie I don't think I can go back there, we survived the first one, i survived the third.
I don't think i got a third one in me".
I then whispered as i looked at my claw.
"I never got to even see a raptor".
Dad looked at me and his eyes softened.
His mouth tucked up in a corner.
I toke trips to the island with my friends, my parents chaperoned.
But we never stayed on the island, no matter how much i begged to stay one night.
Mom then said to my dad holding my claw.
"Alan, we may be done with it, but y/n isn't.
She's 16, she's old enough to go on her own.
She love dinosaurs, like we used to.
(She tapped the saftey tip.)
She our daughter Alan, she knows what she's doing.
(She smiled at me and said.)
I mean look at this claw, she kept it in great condition and made it safe for her to wear as a.
(She snapped her fingers trying to find the right word.)
Even the part of the bone that was drilled is in this little pouch.
She wants to make some adult decisions maybe we should let her.
After all Alan, she takes after you the most".
I looked at dad and he said smiling.
But the moment you see danger-".
I then said.
"Stay still if it's the rex, hide and cover my scent if it's another preditor".
He smield and they handed me my necklace back.
He got bacl on the phone and said.
"Miss Dearing, im afriad me and Dr. Satler won't be able to make it.
But our daughter very much wants to go.
But we have a few conditions".
I was close enough to hear the other voice on the line.
"Of course mister Grant, it will be an honor to have your daughter here.
Her safety will be our number one priority".
I motioned for the phone and dad said.
"She wants to speak to you".
I held the phone and i said.
"Um, hello is this miss dearing"?
The woman on the phone said nicely.
"Hello yes, but please call me Claire.
Your y/n right"?
I hummed and she said.
"Well y/n your ticket will be paid for by us, you'll have VIP access and would you like a suite in our finest hotel"?
I then said nerves.
"Um, i never been in any hotel in the park".
She then said.
"Well we'll make it perfect.
Your flight will be in a few hours is there anything else"?
I pulled a panflit of the raptir padicc.
I then said.
"Um, i always wanted to see the raptors is that possible"?
Claire then said.
"Of course, I'll have the trainer there tp guid you".
I smield and said.
"Okay, thank you Claire.
(I handed the phone to my dad.)
I got to go pack".

(End of flash back)

So here I am, on my own on the top deck of the finest transport to the island that started it all.
I only ever got to meet Hammond once before he died.
I was so happy the moment i got on the plan.
Now I'm actually kind of nerves.
My arm was tugged alittle bit after i got to the bottom deck to see if i can see the island better now that we are alot closer.
I turned and i saw a kid about the same size as my half brother Charlie.
He then said holding a camera.
"Are you y/n Grant"?
I then said as i looked at him.
(I held my hand out as i recognised the kid from the air port.)
Hey your that kid that bumped into me on the plan".
He shook my hand and said.
"Gray michtell.
Its so cool to finally meet you.
Can i"?
He hepd the camera up and i said smiling.
"Sure, sure go ahead".
He toke a picture and i said as i looked around.
"Were are your parents, a guardian"?
He then said.
"Im with my older brother Zach.
We're going to the park to spend the week with my aunt Claire".
I then said recognising the name.
"Wait, Claire dearing is your aunt"?
A boy similar to my age came over and said seeinbg gray first before noticing i was there.
"Gray, don't run off like that-".
He looked up at me and i said to gray.
"So this is Zach"?
Gray then said introducing us, annoyed at his brother when we both saw Zach adjusted his behavior and posture.
"Y/n this is my older brother Zach.
(Zach held his hand out and i shook it, trying to keep my blush under control.)
Zach this is Y/n Grant".
Zach then said smiling as he was shooked.
"Wait your that y/n grant, you wrote two books about your experiences on isle sorana".
I then said.
"Jurassic park the lost World and Jurassic Park 3 my counting adventures amount the dinosaurs.
You read those"?
He then said lightly blushing.
"I like dinosuars to".
Gray then said seeing the island come into view.
"Look the island".
I then said as i looked at it.
"Home sweet home".
To be contiued...

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