Zach Michtell x reader part 3

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(Y/n's pov)
Zach finished wrapping up my scrap and he said after wrapping a blue ribbion around it.
I guess to make me feel special.
"Now that should do it".
Gray then said getting alittle impatient.
"Come on let's go".
Zach turned to gray and said.
"Okay, dude chill".
I then said.
"Charlie was like that for the showing of the new movie Scoob".
I then said as i got up and I got to grays side.
"So what are we waiting for then"?
Gray cheered, happy to have someone on his side for a change.
Their escort/ baby sitter finally was ready and we went to some rides before meeting up with Clarie.
Keeping up with Gray was liking trying to keep an eye on Charlie.
I then said as i catches my breath and Zach stood beside me.
"I'm fine.
Just need to catch my breath.
(I looked at gray who's now at the hologram station)
Dang your brother's fast.
Faster than Charlie.
Or its probably me not having to keep up with him since he grew out of running off".
We joined gray and Zach asked.
"So what's it like?
Living with two archeologists"?
I then said.
"I actually live with my dad.
(I then said.)
I'm partly more like my father in that way.
I like to dig up truth in the rocks.
Though sometimes my theory are wrong.
(I looked to zach and said.)
It's fun yet humbling to know that life existed 75 to 65 million years ago.
Now there back,
(I looked at the raptor hologram of blue and said.)
Though their not in there pure forms, we can learn alot from them, but the hardest thing to learn.
(I looked at zach and gray staring at the same hologram.)
Will be to coexist with one another.
Life will fined a way".
Gray then said pointing to my raptor claw.
"So did you make your necklace"?
I then said feeling it.
"The claw my dad had from one of his digs, kept it instead of throwing it out onto the island floor when he was here".
Zach then said.
"Srent you worried about it accidently scratching you"?
I then said pointing to the tip.
"Why do you think i had a safety tip added.
Though I have a tiny neck this does sometimes chaffs".
The same voice i heared on the phone said the moment i turned my back to the hologram.
"Gray is that you"?
I turned and gray said running to meet his aunt.
"Aunt claire".
I joined zach and gray hugged Claire, from the look of surprise she just gave she wasn't expecting the hug.
She then said.
"Oh your so sweet".
She looked shock at Zach size, i looked at the reaction between him and his aunt.
I then looked at gray, a light blue finally flashing above my head.
'They haven't seen her in about 7 years'.
How i knew this was grays excitement, impaintness, and Zach lack of enthusiasm.
I only seen these reactions once before and that was with Kelly's mom and Kelly happy to see her after the incident at site b on isle sorana.
Claire then said.
"Wow zach.
The last time a saw you, you were.
(She did a guesstamit of what zachs hight was when she last saw him.)
That must of been what 3 or four 4 years ago".
Zach then said.
"Seven years, but pretty close though".
Claire then said as i stepped forward.
"And you must be y/n Grant.
(She held her hand out.)
I'm Claire dearing we spoke on the phone".
I then said as i held my right hand that had the bandage.
"Nice to meet you".
Claire then said seeing my arm.
"Oh dear what happened"?
I then said.
"Oh it's just a scrape.
(I turned the attention to Zach.)
Zach here helped patch me up".
Claire then said looking at zach funny for a mintues before i could fully look into it.
(She then said as she handed gray a check pass for food and handed me one too.)
So you guys have your VIP passes.
These are for food".
I then asked.
"So um when do i get to see this new attraction?
Do we leave right now or later"?
Claire thwn said waving it off.
"It can wait y/n you go have some fun.
Your only 16 once".
I then said.
Zach looked happier knowing i get to hang out with them more.
But as soon as Clarie left, the mood around the boys was sadder.
They were hopeing to spend the day with their aunt.
I then said one hand on either shoulder.
"Hey, youll see her later guys.
Now i always wanted to revisit the petting zoo who wants to check it out"?
Gray cheered up and ran off.
Zach then said to me and Sonya followed behind us.
"Thanks, for what you did back there".
I held his hand and said as we walked, not knowing that Zach was blushing, and ignored when he tighten his grip on my hand.
When we got to the petting Zoo, the saddness seemed to melt away from Zach.
But then Zach looked to our nanny.
I then asked as i rasied my eyebrow seeing the mischevious glint in his eye.
"What are you planning Zach"?
He then said smiling.
"Just follow my lead".
He got to gray and said.
We ran fast and laughed as we seemed to get away unnoticed.
Gray then said as he heared the annocment of the t-rex feeding.
"Let's go see it".
I grabbed Zach's hand and he followed me.
As we watched, Zach's phone went off.
One he ignored when it played a certain ring tone.
But he answered the next one.
When he came back he asked Gray and me.
"So you guys want to see the mosasaurus"?
I then said rubbing my neck.
"That flippered crocodile"?
Zach smiled lightly at me and i said as gray looked at me confused.
"I couldn't pronounce the name right when I was younger so I called it the flippers crocodile to understand what people were talking about".
Zach then said .
"No it's okay, it's kind of cute actually".
We got to the mosasaurus tano and i said asked.
"So you guys want some snacks, any one want a water proof poncho"?
Gray lifted his hand and said.
Zach then said.
I rhen said.
"Any toppings you want"?
Zach then said.
"Ketup and mustard, seeing as they don't have your cuteness as an option".
That did it, i lost control of my blush and he knew it.
Gray pretend to gag and that's when I got back control.
Gray then said.
"Ketup only, i don't know how you eat that".
I then said looking at Zach.
"I thought i was the only one that has mustard and ketup on my hotdogs".
He smiled and i said.
"Okay, two hotdogs with both ketup and mustard.
One with just ketup".
I left the stand and was blushing so hard when i waited in line.
I then frowned after patting my cheek hard enough to leave a red glow, not enough to hurt me thankfully.
'Pull yourself together y/n he has a girlfriend.
No matter how much it hurts you need to pull it together'.
I looked over to where I last saw them and thought as my heart heated like a rabbit.
'But i don't think i want to'.
My father and mother may not be together but they still love each other.
My father regretted letting her go in the end.
If he had a chance to go back and tome to tell her how he realy felt he take it.
I may be my fathers daughter, but i won't make the same choice he did.
Cause love is worth surviving for.
After i got to the vendor, he gave me the hot dogs and i went by and grabbed saw the ponchos were gone.
I the thought about swinging by my room after this show.
Thankfully I was whearing an under shirt since my blouse is see threw when its wet.
When i got to Zach and gray i handed the boys their food, settled and waited for the show.

To be continued

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