Male Claire x reader one shot

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(Y/n's pov)
One thing i hate about working in jurassic world is the heat and early hours.
I sat at my desk in the office I sometimes share with Clark.
My boyfriend and colleague.
Mister masrani hired us both cause of are fields of expertise.
Both in business and dinosaurs.
I worked mostly with dinosaurs while he handled the business side of Jurassic World.
Perfect combination of budines and dino behavior.
Came quite in handy when wo almost created that monster the indominus.
And even more when we found out he didn't destroy the Scorpios rex.
Now me and Clark are working double time to make the park more popular and get more guests.
He handled it better than me, and by that I mean he seemed so full of energy.
I then said as the phone ringed.
"I need coffee".
I then said as i toke the phone.
"Clark dearing and y/n grants office".
Dave's voice replied.
"Hello miss grant.
Hope um not catching you at a bad time.
But today is darius birthday and he is a bug fan of you and your father-".
I then said knowing the kid.
He was the one that fell in the raptor pen to save kenji.
And he's Clark's nefew gray best friend.
"And your wondering if i could come over"?
He then said.
"Yeah, if that not to much trouble".
I then said.
"No trouble of all.
I'll come to you guys.
And dave".
He then said.
I then said.
"Brew a pot of coffee for me".
He then said.
"Yes anything you need.
Ill wake the kids-".
I then said.
"No, not right now it's still early.
I'll asked mister searing if he can get some passes for the others.
Bye for now dave".
Clark walked in and said happily.
"Hello honey".
I then said when he pecked my cheek.
"Morning Clark".
He then said seeing thinking face.
"What's on that beautiful mind of yours"?
I then said.
"Dave a consumer in camp cretashous called.
It's darius birthday.
And I think if I went.
We spend time with the kids and your nefews".
Clark then said.
"I have been think of spending our weekend off with gray and Zack.
Two birds one stone".
I then said.
"I was thinking three.
We have the customers sigh there birthday and we make it their day at the park".
Clark then said.
"VIP treatment".
I nodded and he said pecking my lips.
"Perfect idea".
He then said as he grabbed his phone and held hand.
"And that's why I love you".
He then said pecking my cheek.
"Generous and smart".
Thee end.

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