Owen Grady x Reader

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(Y/n's pov)
As the jeep pulled up to the lab were the eggs were, I felt my heart pounding, hands sweating, throat swelling with excitement.
The counselor from camp cretaceous who volunteered to show me around the island looked at me as i stood up to see the lab better said as i couldn't help but be amazed, but alittle underwhelmed.
"And here's where the magic happens, this miss grant is where all the dinosaurs are hatched".
I then said as i slipped put of the jeep through the window.
"Kind of underwhelming, but this is a jungle".
Dave, who he said his name was, came out and opened the lab door.
"Wait till you see the inside".
As we walked in I was blown away.
I then said seeing the people move, the eggs in their incubators and the shelf of all different sizes, colors of ember with mosquitos.
"This is almost like the lab at Jurassic Park.
(I shrugged my shoulder as the memory of stone being the main wall material of choice.)
Minus the stone walls".

(((I know the time between movies is almost 50 years but bear with me.)))

Dave then said as he held a book my dad and i worked on since he finally let me go with him to an island full of dinosuars since the incident at jurassic when i was 3.
"Almost feels like homecoming to you doesn't it"?
I smiled as i looked at him, i then said pulling out my pen.
"Yeah, sure does.
(I sighed and i said as i walked around and some employees began quietly whispereing as i adjusted my hat to sit at the base of my neck since I'm now inside.)
More flashy white and techy than I thought but hey, progress is progress".
I saw an area marked valociraptors and I gasped.
I then said as i stopped infront some scientist that seem more like personall assistants checking on things in the lab to make sure everything is still smooth sailing.
"Is that were the raptor eggs are being incubated"?
One looked at me and said.
"Um yes ma'am, but I don't think your-".
Henry came out and i said smiling seeing his fimilar face.
"Henry it's been to long".
He smiled and said as i walked over.
"Miss grant, it's been to long".
I hugged him and he stiffened before returning it.
He then said after we pulled away and smilied.
"You grown up beautifully, so what can i do to help a legacy such as yourself"?
I then said as pointed to the area i was told not to go in.
"I know I'm probably not supposed to go in, but for old times sack, can i see the raptor eggs".
Henry smiled and said.
"Your definatly your father's daughter for sure.
(Sorry where are my manners, im Dr. y/n Grant, daughter of Dr, Allan Grant and Ellie satler.)
Of course you can come see them,
(He lead me with Dave following to the incubated holding four raptor eggs.
I didn't notice the handsome trainer henry was going to explain was here when i noticed him after i got over my 'oh baby raptors' phase.)
Me and Mr mizrony,  were actualy thinking about asking tou to be the liaison with,
(Henry guestered the guy i looked up to see smiling looking at me.
But I got to admit he's also kind of hot.)
Mister Grady.
He's going to be training them once these little ones hatch".
I then said holding my hand out to Mister Grady smiling.
"I think i heared of you before from a friend who's in the navey, im y/n".
He then said blush lightly coloring his cheeks before he got under control.
"Nice to meet the Legend herself.
You can call me Owen".
I then said testing it out.
"Owen, handsome name,
(I went over to the incubator and watched the eggs.)
These girls are going to need an alpha.
(I looked at owen and i said.)
Jurassic World picked the perfect man for the job".
He blushed again and i swelled with pride.
I stayed quiet when i saw one egg shack.
I then said to them both.
"I think their going to hatch".
When the egg I saw shack hatched, i couldn't help but feel like she's looking at me.
I thsn said as i lightly move an egg shell of her forehead.
(She squeaked and i remebered the chips i heared when the mommy rapotrs got her eggs back.)
Oohhh ohhhh".
She did sort of a squeal purr and Owen said as he crunched to be beside me.
"She's so beautiful".
I then said as she stumbled out and she looked at me and she almost fell of i didn't have my hands out to catch her.
"Oh easy there little one.
(She began purring as she layed in my hands.
I had to keep control over my emotions, cause if i didn't I would of burst at blues cuteness.
I traced the streak and i said.)
I think blue would be a perfect name for you".
Owen tested the name out as blue looked at him.
"Blue the beta.
(Owen smiled as he looked at me.)
I like it".
The other eggs began to hatch and i place blue in the middle of the incubator and i said as i saw three new heads poke out to look at me and Owen.
"They are so cute".
They began to come closer to us and i held my hands to stop them as i sqreached lowly and they looked at me.
I then said as i lightly pet under their chins.
"We don't want you to fall over".
Owen then said smiling softly from my perfial vision.
"Your good with them.
(Owen and i stood side by side as we watched them huddle to take a nap.)
I think your mote suited to be the alpha than me".
I then said.
"I think we both are.
Raptorshave to alphas in every pack.
(I pointed to Owen.)
You the alpha male,
(I pointed to myself and said.)
And me the alhpa female.
(I lightly pet blue on the head and she purred in her sleep.)
But for now, i think they see us as mom and dad until their a bit bigger".
Owen then said as we looked at the clock.
"So y/n you want to grab lunch with me"?
I then said as i placed my hat back on my head.
"Love to".

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