Zach Michtell x reader part 4 final

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(Zach's pov)
I watched y/n from the corner of my eye.
My phone beeped again and i pulled it out annoyed.
My ex girlfriend held a sticky note asking me to think about my choice.
I texted back no and blocked her number.
Gray was tugging my arm and y/n said getting my attention.
"Zach the mosasaurus is coming but that phone-".
The mosasaurus came out and i covered y/n when the water came to splash on us.
Y/n and i were soaked as everyone else.
But y/n seemed more beautiful with her hair wet.
Y/n and I laughed happily and gray said after making kissy faces.
"Um Zach you got alittle bit of water all over".
I then said as we went done to see the mosasaurus closer.
"Hey you guys want to do something else cool"?
Y/n then said looking at me.
"Yeah, what do you have in mind"?

((Time skip))

(Y/n's pov)
Zach suggested we go on the gyrosphere.
I looled at the worker when he said.
"Sorry ma'am, only two people in one sphere".
Zach then said snapping his fingers at the guy.
"Hey do you know who your talking to"?
The guy then said.
"A customer"?
I then said.
"Actually im Y/n Grant".
The guy decided to clean his act after i showed him my ID.
He let me and the boys get on one gyrosphere.
I should of probably waited but Zach then said.
"You can sit on my lap you know".
I blushed and i said doing so.
"You sure"?
He nodded and buckled us in and gray rolled his eyes.
Once the sphere got going the screen said that we had to go back.
Zach then said as he saw that gray and i were saddened.
"Hey, we're VIP's.
We can stay out".
I then had a bad feeling, i felt my neck and gray asked the moment he saw me rub my neck.
"Hey you okay"?
I then said quietly.
"I have a bad feeling".
Zach then said rubbing my arm.
"Don't worry you got us".
I smield and i said after we came across the broken gap.
"What did that"?
Gray then said.
"We should head back".
Zach then said.
"Why don't we go investigate"?
I leaned forward and said still having a bad feeling as i tapped the glass.
"Um this glass may stop a bullet, but what about dino claws"?
Zach then said.
"I'm a great driver, ill keep you guys safe".
Garry gagged and i blushed.
Zach drove in and I looked at one reflection in the glass and i said quietly.
"Don't move".
I pulled out a vile of oil and said.
"And don't look behind you".
Gray then said quietly.
"What's that thing"?
I then said as i discreetly put oil on zach and gray.
"The attraction I came to endorse,
The indominus".
She spooked the dino and now her claw is through the glass.
Zach unbuckled us and gray, once we got out we ran to the water fall.
And i said as i looked at the water.
"I can't swim".
Gray then said.
"Please tell me were not going to jump"!
I then said as i heared the indominus.
"Were going to have to".
I then jumped and zach and gray followed me.
The reason i don't swim is because i sink rather than float.
Zach came to me and kissed me, i got the air i needed.
Once we were out of the water, zach said to me and gray.
"You guys jumped".
I then asked as i grabbed mud.
"Have you guys played with mud"?
Gray then said.
"Yes why"?
I got mud on gray and saod to Zach.
"That indominus will track us and hunt us.
Mud is a great way to cover the scent gland".
Zach moved his neck and i put mud on him and said doing myself.
"okay, let's get back and quickly".

On our walk through where we tried to get back to the park.
That's when i saw it, the old park building.
I then said .
"The old park".
Gray then said as i opened the doors.
"I thought you never been here"?
Zach then said.
"Her parents were Gray, they must of told her about this place".
I then said as i looked around carefully.
"Coast is clear, maybe we can find a car or a phone".
Zach held up the old banner and i said lightly touching it.
"The t rex saved my parents from raptors in this very room.
The struggle must have nocked this loss".
Zach then said.
"We can use this as a flame starter".
I grabbed a stick and said.
"Good idea".

(Time skip)

As i waited for my mom and dad, zach held my hand and i said.
"Will we see each other again"?
Zach then said.
"Its up to you".
I then said as i saw his parents.
"Will they like me"?
He then said as his parents came over to greet their son.
"Theyll love you".
His mom saw me and my parent said coming over.
"Thank God your okay".
I held Zach's hand and said.
"Better than okay".
Zach's mom smiled at us and dad said intoducing himself to Zach's parwnts.
"Alan grant".
Gray hugged me and mom said.
"Looks like your going to the same school as your boyfriend y/n".
I looked st mom and asked surprised.
"I got in"?
She nodded and zach hugged me happily.
Dad then said seeing i still had my hat and necklace.
"You still have that necklace and hat".
I then said.
"My lucky necklace and hat".
Zach smiled and he said.
"Are you guys coming with us"?
Dad rhen said.
"Well we did bring a couple of extra cloths and cash for y/n.
So yes".
I thought i knew everything about dinosaurs.
But turns out i still got alot to learn.
As Zach's hand squeezed around mine and he said.
"I'll be with you always".
I thought I knew everything about dinosaurs, turns out I wasn't even close.
The news of what happened to me in the raptor pen caught me alot of admires.
My father thpugh he and mom we're a little upset, we're proud and amazed by the scientific discovery.
Me and Zach were watching the news were i was asked one question.
"So miss grant, can you answer this one question for me.
What should we do with dinosaurs roaming around"?
The me on tv answered.
"I thought I knew everything about dinosaurs, turns out were are barley scratching the surface.
They aren't just animals in cages, they are parents, freinds and family's with a community of their own we can only guess.
We don't need them in cages.
They deserve to be free, a space completely untouched by humanity.
No fences, no tourists.
Ian Malcolm my god father is right, life will find a way.
(But the me in the TV raised her finger and said)
But not everything in chaos in dangourse, life is chaotic.
Now it's our turn to share the world with the beings we admire in dig sites and museums.
It's time for us to coexist with the dinosaurs as we enter this new world.
(Zach hugged me as the me on tv said.)
Welcome to Jurassic World everyone".
Gray clapped as he shot up from behind us.
Zach then said after pecking my cheek.
"That was amazing babe".
Gray then shook my shoulders and said.
"Thanks to you dinosuars are going to a sanctuary".
I then said smiling.
"It was the right thing to do".
Zach's mom and dad said comong over.
"How's our little munchkins doing"?
Zach blushed and gray groaned and i said hugging them to me smiling.
Zachs mom said as she saw the positive feed back from my fans.
"Wow, alot of people love you guys".
Zach then said pecking my cheek over and over.
"Who wouldny".
Then news then said.
"Miss Grant legacy of the dinosuars has won the hearts of millions of people over the world.
One fan says the raptors excepted her into the pack.
And they are right,
(She turned it my dad who's on righr now.)
So tell me mister grant, how did you feel when this came onto the news"?

A clip from a tourist camera showed my on a motor cycle with the four raptors behind me looking at the indominus.
The indominus the lowered her self and roared, blue roared back and the me in the clip siad.
"We have to get her into the tank.
(Charlie chirped and echo got beside me right next to blue as delta got beside Charlie.
The me then said to the indominus.)
We're taking back the park indominus!
(The bike roared as i reared the engine and the raptors roared.)
Raptor squad, charge"!
They ran and pushed the indominus in.
The me in the clip got off the bike to help Charlie out of the tank and echo.
The purred and chirp as the huddled onto me.
Blue circled and layed down, Delta did the same purring.
Dad then said when the clip was paused.
"My daughter is special, her favorite dinosaurs are raptors.
I guess they see what i see, an amazing young woman who protects people she cares about and loves.
(He smiled and saod.)
Never mess with the raptor squad".

Thee end...

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