Owen Grady x reader part 1

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(Y/n's pov)
I woke up to the sound of dinosaurs, and this time it wasn't coming from my phone.
My step brother b/n shook me to help me fully wake up.
"Y/n wake up were here"!
B/n looked more like mom and nothing like my ex step dad.
I then said as i looked at the island coming into few and felt my head .
"Wow, it's just as beautifull as it was 15 years ago".
I felt my hair instead of my hat.
And i started to panic and i said.
"No, no, no, no.
(I looked around and it wasn't there.
The wind was light the whole journey up to this point.
So it couldn't of blown away.)
B/n have you seen my-".
He held it in his right hand and said smiling.
"During your power nap the wind picked up.
I caught it".
I hugged him and said.
"Thank you".
He handed it to me and the moment i put it on was when two teenagers around mine and b/n's age came over.
The boy that looked the same age, maybe younger or older by about a year ran over smiling like he's in a candy store.
"Zach it's Y/n Grant".
I smiled and little laughed as my brother huddled into my side.
I then said seeing the kid.
"You got good eyes-".
I looked at him and he said holding his hand out.
"Gray Mitchell, im a huge fan of you and your father's work".
I then said smiling.
"Really well it's a pleasure to meet you gray".
A teenager that is younger than me said as he came over, bored out of his mind.
I imeaditly frowned at him, he has no idea the gift he's throwing away.
The chance to bond with his brother, and see these amazing creatures in real life is a once and a life time gift.
Him not putting effort into it just pisses me off.
Zach then said.
"Gray let them be, don't run off like that again".
I theb said as i looked to gray smiling.
"Its no problem, actually how about you guys hang with us".
Gray looked up at us and he said smiling.
I nodded and said.
"Of course, our treat.
(B/n came out from behind me and i said.)
Gray, this is my little brother b/n Salter".
B/n then said.
"Nice to meet you".
I then said.
"If you guys are meeting someone at the dock then maybe we can get together later"?
Gray then looked to Zach and asked.
"You think aunt Claire will let us hang out with Y/n Grant and b/n satler"?
I theb said looking at gray.
"Wait Claire dearing is your aunt.
(Zach imeaditly looked up at us.)
She has an employee scheduled to pick me and my brother up when we reach the island".
Gray then said.
"Of course you and b/n are famous".
Zach then said looking at me.
"Your that y/n grant, you came to the island 15 years ago with your parents Ellie Satler, Allan Grant, and your god father Ian Malcolm".
I then said smiling as i reminisced of the beginning of the journey of my future.
"Its almost like it was yesterday".
B/n then said looking up to me wanting to hear the story again.
"Tell me the story agaun".
I then said.
"The jeep was just parked and that's when mom and dad got out to see the Brachiosaurus.
I couldn't believe what i was seeing.
I got out and ran to get closer.
John Hammond knew that moment that i would aspire to be a paleontologist.
Mom and dad freaked.
Worried I would get hurt.

(Flash back)
'Father yelled the moment the Brachiosaurus looked toward me and began to get close'.
'I stopped the moment it got closer.
It lowered its head and layed it on the ground and i gentally placed my 10 year old hands on its nose.
It purred and i smiled'.
(End of flash back)

I then said after i retold the story.
"Mom and dad came over along with Hammond andthats what espired me to what i do today".
Gray was star strucked and i said as i saw the docks closer than ever.
"Dispute what happened when the storm hit, i wouldnt change a thing".
B/n then said looking at the island.
"Now its my turn".
I then said as i rubbed his hair.
"And you aren't going to be leaving my sight.
(He looked at me and i said.)
Mom is worried enough as she is when she travels.
She had to bring dad into the mix the moment I was invited for a guest appearance at Jurassic World".
B/n then said.
"Yeah we had to sit threw the safety lecture over and over.
Wait do you think we can see the Jurassic park ruins"?
Gray then said.
"The old park is still there"?
I then said.
"Yes it is, it became a historical sight.
But Mr mizrony has been thinking about cleaning the place up a little bit for tours.
(I held my hand up and did the imaginary title introduction Mr mizrony did for me.)
Jurastic park, where it all began.
(Grays eyes seemed to be getting bigger and i said.)
It's also why he asked if i can come as a guest star.
He's thinking about presenting the idea of reopen Jurassic park grand opening".
Gray jumped and zach said.
"But wouldn't it be dangoures"?
I then said.
"I was there, but yes.
(I rubbed b/n's head as he leaned against me.
He looked forward to seeing the original park.)
There's a strong possibility we would be able to go see where history began".
The boat got ready to dock and i said to gray.
"Okay mis dearing says the employee will hold a billboard with our names on it so it's a big chance that they are their to pick you and zach up gray".
They grabbed their bags and people began tp rush.
They toke pictures and i said as gray caught up to me with his brother runing to catch up.
"Now let's walk among these dinosaurs".
I stopped when i saw the one guy i was planning to surprise when i got here.
My boyfriend Owen Grady.
I then said once we got closer.
"Well well well.
(He look shocked to see me.)
Hello owen".
To be continued...

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