Zach Michtell x reader part 2

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(Y/n's pov)

The moment to boat docked at the pier I went to grab my suit case.
But Zach grabbed it for me and said with a light smile.
"Let me get that for you".
I nodded and we left the ship and went on the dock.
I then saw a woman holding a plack with Gray and Zach's names on it.
I then said feeling alittle disappointed I didn't get to hang out with these boys more.
"Well, looks like this is where our paths part".
I toke hold of my case's handle and my hand acidently brushed against Zach's.
He didn't let go until i looked at him.
Gray hugged me and I said.
"But hey I'll see you guys later.
(I held my hand out to gray.)
Stay funky gray".
He smield and shook my hand and he said.
"You too y/n".
I hugged zach and then went off to find my escort.
I then said when i came up infront of him holding a plack with my name on it.
"Im y/n Grant".
He rubbed his hand against his vest and then held his hand out saying.
"Owen Grady mis grant.
So you want to see some raptors"?
I nodded and i tapped my chocker and said.
"There my favorite since i was little.
My claw is infact a fossil".
Owen then said looking at it more closely.
"Well ill be, that is a neat piece of jewelry.
So you want to go to your hotel room or meet the raptor squad".
I then said.
"Met the raptor squad".
He then lead me to a jeep, once we got in the rode to the containment unit holding the raptors was bumpy.
Once he stopped he said looking at me.
"We're here, now, don't go in with them unless im with you".
I nodded and we left the jeep.
Once inside i looked inside the uni and gasped seeing four of my favorite dinosaurs.
Owen then said as his coworker came in.
"Y/n this is my co worker barry".
Barry then said smiling.
"How do you do mis grant"?
I then said.
(I looked at one that was staring back at me with curiosity.)
Wow she beautiful".
She lifted her head and spinned around.
I laughed and owenthen said leaning against the railing.
"Well, this is a first.
(I looked at owen and he explained.)
It usualy takes me a while to get her to do that.
That's blue".
I then said drawing a line from my temple of my neck.
"Cause of the blue streak?
(Owen nodded and i said looking at the other three that came to join blue.)
So I'm guessingthat you named the other three Charlie, echo and Delta.
Navey terms in combat"?
Barry looked at owen like he had three heads surprised.
Owen then said smiling.
"Your a smart kid.
I used to be navey, how did you now the lingo"?
I then said.
"Some movies i watched have military lingo".
Someone yelled.
"Pig lose".
I then said seeing that the guy will fall in.
I grabbed the vocal camber in my bag and then ran down.
Owen yelled as he followed me.
"Y/n no"!
I opened the gate and i flowed the vocal chamber a certian way.
I held my hand up and blue looked at me calm.
I then said looking at the green one.
"Delta back up!
(She shook herself as she listened to me.
I looked to the yellow one and said.)
Charlie i see you, back up now.
(She hissed at me and i said raising my voice.)
Hey! Hey!
What did i just say"!?

Blue roared at Charlie and she purred to echo.
I then said looked at echo who got closer to me, calm and curious.
Sniffing near my neck.
"Let me guess your echo"?
She purred as she rubbed my cheek with her snot.
I was shocked, this was a sign of affection I saw blue give to Charlie earlier.
I then said as i looked at her.
"Yeah, sister.
(She backed up and blue came up next and i said.)
So that means your the beta".
She nodded and she sniffed my necklaces and i said.
"Um this is what it looks like, but it's from the skeleton.
Probably doesn't sound good now that i say it aloud".
She rubbed agasint me and went around.
I kept my breath steady and she went back into line and the other three lowered their heads and i said holding my hand up.
"Okay, eyes up".
They lift their heads and i held it closed untill i glowed the vocal chamber and they ran into the trees.
I then ran like hell to get into the saftey cage.
The door closed and i imeaditly dropped and leaned against the wall on the side.
Keeping my eyes on the cage door.
If dad and mom saw this they would lose their shut.
Owen then said when he got to me, looking at the vocal chamber.
"Your a brave kid ill give you that.
(He nealed down and said.)
That a vocal chamber"?
I nodded and i said.
"A friend of my dad, another Barry.
He 3d printed the chamber.
My dad gave this to me on my second encounter on isle sorana.
I guess i always thought it come in handy".
Owen then said looking at me.
"When echo rubbed agasint you, you knew what it ment".
I nodded and said as shock finally began to settle in.
"Its what blue did with Charlie earlier.
A sign of affection between sibilings".
Owen then said to Barry.
"Grab her a soda".
He nodded and ran up and owen said.
"I know your in a bit of shock, but let's get you up on the deck okay".
I nodded and he helped me up, once on the deck someoen was clapping.
A pudgy guy with a bad hair cut.
Owen then said.
"Not right now hicks".
Hicks then said as he stared at me.
"The famous y/n Grant.
Author of Jurassic Park the lost World and jurassic park 3 my continuing adventures with dinosaurs".
He then said holding hos hand out.
"Hick, i finance the raptor project.
Have you ever thought about working for programs like this"?
Owen then said getting infront of me.
"Hicks, she's in shock.
Let's talk about employment opportunities later".
Barry came back and said handing my a cold cola.
"Here it's all that we have".
I then said in a whisper.
"Its my favorite".
Hicks then said.
"Owen we just learned big time that they can take orders, not just from you".
I signed out as i looked to blue, her staring back at me after sneering at hicks.
'No, their going to use them as weapons'.
Blue looked as worried as i felt sick.
Hicks then said.
"These raptors see y/n as one of their Owen, we need to test this out in the field-".
Owen then said after nodding to Barry.
"She's 16 hicks.
Do you hear yourself?
She's my responsibility and as long as im around you won't go near her".
Barry got me away and he said as he drove me to the park.
"So, how much do you know about raptors"?
I then said.
"Enough to know it's rare, actually impossible for a raptor to except someone from a whole different species like that as family after the first meeting".

Barry then said.
"They did with Owen, but i guess they trust females more easily".
Once at the park, barry stopped at a hotel.
The one I'm probably staying at.
I then said looking at Barry.
"What do you think going to happen to them"?
Barry then said.
"Don't worry miss grant, owen won't let hicks use the raptors like that or you".
I then said waving goodbye as i got inside.
"See you again barry and please call me y/n".
Once inside the lobby i went to the desk.
I then said to the woman who smiled back at me.
"Um hi.
(I looked at her name tag.)
I'm y/n Grant, i think i might have a suite resevered by Claire dearing"?
She then said.
"Let's check.
(She smiled seeing what she found.)
Suite room 65 m.
(She handed me a key and said.)
Here's your key.
I like your necklace by the way".
I felt it and said.
I went up and on the way someone crash into me.
I fell straight on my butt, i then said as i saw it was Zach.
"Well this is one way of running into each other".
He then said after helping me up.
"Sorry about that.
(He saw i have a scrat h on my arm and said taking a carefull hold of it.)
Wow what happened"?
I then said.
"Scrapped my self scalling the raptor padic to save a intern.
I'm fine".
He then said.
"Well me and gray were about to head out to ride some of the rides.
I just went to grab something.
But there's a first aid kit in our room".
I then said holding my key.
"So does mine".
He then smiled and i said.
And he said.
"We are right across from each other,
Let get your bag into your room and let's go to mine and get this scrap cleaned.
My aunt's assistant forgot to put your VIP pass in your room".
We got to my room and i looked around before dropping my bag on my bed.

 We got to my room and i looked around before dropping my bag on my bed

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Zach then said.
"So, you want to hang out with us, for my brother".
I looked at Zach as he looked away.
I then said curious.
(I then asked.)
Hey, do you have a special someone"?
Zach then said.
(He didn't sound happy about that.
'Probably one of those clingy types'. )
I then said being completely honest.
"No guy is interested in someone that likes to hang out with their father in dino digs more than shoppping around in malls".
I then said looking at Zach.
"You know Zach, when we met on the boat, i wouldn't think you a dino fan.
(I then stood up and and walked past him.)
But looks can be deseving.
(I patted his back and said.)
She's lucky to have you".
I then said in my door way as i looked at Zach who stared at me like i was the only girl in the world.
"Ill probably only be able to hang with you and gray before you aunt wants my opinion on the new attraction".
Zach shook his head and then said as we left.
"Well let get that scrap cleaned before we go out".
We left the room and went into his shared room woth his brother.
I looked at Zach when he wasn't and wondered.
'What if we met earlier in life, would we have been together'?
I answered my own question when he sprayed the scrap.
And that was the saddest part, he has a girlfriend, he wouldn't be intreseted in me that way.
To be contiued...

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