Chapter 13. Dinner

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After coming back from the gym, she saw a blonde with blue eyes and curvy. She was discussing merrily with Cheyenne about God knows what.

"Hello" She greeted politely. The blonde's eyes snapped towards her and she stared at her for a moment before smiling at Altagracia.

"Hello, my name is Nadia. I'm Elijah's fiancee and the mother of his daughter" Altagracia burst out laughing internally seeing the uncomfortable expression on Cheyenne's face.

"Altagracia, glad to meet you" She answered and walked upstairs to their room. She walked up the stairs and went to their room to see the most beautiful little girl she had ever seen. She immediately stood up and said with her cute little voice.

"You're not my daddy" She said and ran away before Altagracia could say anything. She walked into the closet to choose a beautiful dress, red off the shoulders with a flared skirt, ending two inches above her knees.

She showered and just combed her hair leaving it to cascade down her back. Just then, she heard to impatient voice of her husband, and though he was knocking hard, his voice came out somehow sweet.

"Sweetheart, we are going to be late" He said and she sighed slipping her feet in her black stilettos.

"I'm coming babe" She grabbed her purse and walked out of the room. He was playing with the little girl from earlier, which she assume was his daughter. Upon seeing Altagracia, she hid behind her father.

Elijah turned to see an angel coming down and making her towards him. She smiled at him, then smiled at his daughter, waving her hand in greeting. He cleared his throat and smiled at Amelia, his daughter

"Amelia, this is Altagracia, my wife and Altagracia, this is Amelia, my daughter" Altagracia crouched to Amelia's height who immediately got scared and hid behind her father.

"You're very pretty Amelia" She said and the little girl took a peek at her. She then stretched her little chubby hand towards Altagracia and smiled.

"You're pretty too" She said and Altagracia beamed as if it was the nicest praise she had ever received.

"Yaya, please, take care of Amelia while I'm not there. I'll be back soon, okay?" He said to his daughter who nodded.

He took Altagracia's hand in his and walked out of the house. He opened the door for her before they drove out of the house. They were silent on the way till he started speaking.

"You met Nadia"

"Your fiancee"

"Why didn't you tell her you were my wife?"

"I don't mingle into your business, remember our agreement?" She said and they stayed quiet again for a few minutes and he started again.

"Amelia likes you" He said simply and he saw how happy she seemed.

"For real?"

"Why are you so happy about trivial matters?"

"I've learned to love the smallest things Mr Hales" She said and he scoffed, not believing a single word, though deep down, there was a part of him buried in his ruthlessness who actually believed her, but just a small part.

Soon enough, they parked in the three-story mansion and Altagracia couldn't help but gape at the surrounding. It was beautiful and sophisticated.

"Oh my, Altagracia you're very beautiful, did Elijah compliment you?" She asked and Altagracia smiled. Elijah was about to growl.

"Yeah, he is actually well behaved when you tried to know him"

"I'm so happy. Come in. Darling, the kids are there" She said entering leaving both of them behind.

"You're talking about me like I'm a dog" She just rolled her eyes and walked in. Edmund immediately hugged her, surprising Elijah.

"How was your day Alta?" Second surprise on the side of Elijah. His grandfather never gives nicknames to people, not even him, his grandson.

"It was great. But it could be better if... "

"Let's continue our conversation around grandma's good dinner" Said Elijah, cutting off Altagracia and they all went to the dining room.

It was a huge dining room made of acajou wood and the seat where as soft as clouds.

Edmund sat at the head of the table, Mayra to his left and Elijah to his right, with Altagracia directly next to him.

"Mayra started asking a few questions to Altagracia while Edmund asked Elijah about the business, how the various branches he was managing were behaving so far.

"... I actually took the business and management field." Altagracia said Elijah was about to stop her from uttering another word when she spoke first.

"I'll love to have a job but Elijah told me women didn't work in your family" She said with an adorable pout and the Elijah in question received questioning stares.

"You didn't hear me right darling, I said I didn't want you to work because I wanted to provide for you" He said glaring at her but she ignored him.

"Huh? I'm pretty sure you told me women didn't work in your family and that...ouch, what was that for?" She asked when she felt him pinching her thigh.

"Altagracia, darling, I worked back then, I was a very good doctor, the only woman who doesn't work is Cheyenne, but it's because she didn't want" Explained Mayra glaring at her grandson who was leisurely sipping wine from his glass.

"You said you studied the business and management field back in college?" Asked Edmund and Altagracia smiled at him.

"Yes grandpa"

"What do you think if I appoint you the general manager of one of our company?" Elijah was about to protest when Altagracia shook her head.

"That would be great really and I appreciate your proposal, but I don't want to have a job through the easy way, really..."

"Who told you it would be easy? I'll give you the Feather Co. It would be a great exercise to see what you're really capable of." Said Edmund and Elijah furrowed his brow.

"You didn't close it grandpa, it was collapsing the last time I checked" Said Elijah and Mayra frowned.

"Darling are you sure it a good idea, it might be troublesome for her to handle"

"Darling I made research on Altagracia before they got married. I know everything about her and I'm sure she is very capable of handling the matters in Feather Co, but it's still her choice to make" He said slipping his wine nonchalantly.

"Grandpa, this is a very bad idea, we all know how she managed to get that managerial position in the previous company she worked in" He said and she glared at him and just to spite him, she smiled.

"I agree, when am I starting?"

"Tomorrow" Said Edmund, shocking everybody.

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