chapter 1

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Get caught.

It's like a broken record on repeat in an old abandoned house, where no one's there to turn it off.

The house still stands, the lights are on and all else works, except... no one's home.

No one has been home in a long, long time.

Loud cheering, music blasting, the scent of alcohol and rich perfume - it's time.

The blinding spot light emphasizes my pink, black and purple lingerie set and every single curve of my body.

The beat drops and my body clings to the pole as if it was oxygen. The coldness of the pole soon fades as my body temperature takes over. My legs wrap around the pole as my head hangs inches from the wood floor covered in different bills.

Using my core strength I lift my head, wrapping myself around the pole before slowly descending into the splits.

I lift my arms - snaking them around the pole - while lifting my legs up and over my head, latching it onto the pole. Lifting my head I stare out at the aroused men, our beautiful waitresses and the alcohol filled glasses.

Performing my routine to perfection, I slowly descend onto both of my baby pink, 8 inch lace-up front ankle boots.

The men give me a standing applause and I show them a genuine ear to ear smile as I approach the front of the stage. I wave excitedly and the room fills with a lot of "woo's" and "yes suga's".

"Woo! Looking great baby!" Joey - one of my regulars and by far the most respectful customer - yells to my left.

"Thanks Joey!" I laugh and he winks at me.

Walking backwards I wave for the last time before exiting the stage. I grab my coat and Silvia - my best friend - runs up to me.

"What the fuck was that!?" she yells and throws her arms around me, squeezing the life out of my 5'6 body.

I met Silvia at a bar one night. I had been persuaded to dance on the bar counter top and completely blew everyone's mind - like Silvia says. She saw and approached me afterwards, telling me about the amazing strip club that pays well.

She explained how the place was completely safe and wanted me to dance.

At the time I was struggling to make ends meet and agreed to only dance a few nights which she didn't say no to.

After hearing the positive feedback from the audience, and the money that I had made in a single night I couldn't walk away. I decided to dance and I have been for the past few years.

Her and I grew extremely close in less than a year.

"Did you pull that out of your ass?" she yells in excitement.

"Told you I had a surprise for tonight," I grin as we make our way to the dressing room.

"Nirah Joy!" Mark - the club owner - yells and lifts me up into his arms. He puts me down and places his hands on my shoulders. "You fucking killed it, kid!" he shakes my shoulders and I can't help but laugh.

"Thanks," I shake his shoulders in return.

Mark said that he loved me the minute I walked into the club wearing nothing but a black, oversized leather jacket - with a belt around my waist - and black knee high boots. I remember my hair being messy because of the wind but Mark said, 'This damsel in distress is your look'.

"Kid, you're a million dollars and counting," he says and I shake my head. He's been saying that for three years. He's not wrong but I'm not a millionaire yet.

Yes. Emphasizes on 'yet'.

"So you ever gonna give my man Joey a chance?" he asks throwing his arm over my shoulder as we walk into my and Silvia's dressing room.

"Joey... as in the thirty year old Joey?" I ask, opening my door.

"Oh come on," Mark sighs falling down onto the couch in our dressing room. "He's still got it plus he doesn't even look thirty," Mark says taking a sip of his Whiskey.

I give him a look telling him, 'Thanks but no thanks'.

"Fine," he raises both hands - surrendering. "I have some new borns to attend to so I'll see you before you leave, okay?" he says and I nod.

We do the cheek to cheek kiss before he leaves but stops at the door.

"Oh!" he says and spins on his heels to face me. "There's a guy by the name of Sylvester Toronto outside. The name ring any bells?" he asks and I shake my head. "Well he's been looking for you all night."

A pit grows in my stomach as my mind travels to places that I can't prevent.

"If you decide to go out and talk to him take Jamie with and if he's busy come find me, okay? I don't like the looks of him and I don't want you to get hurt."

I nod. "Thanks," I smile and he winks before leaving.

Sylvester Toronto.

I lied.

I do know that name.

I swallowed a lump in my throat, taking a deep breath in. I turned to the mirror and touched up on my make-up. I looked at the time and threw on my floor-length black coat.

I stared at myself, feeling nauseous as I saw him staring back at me. I let a single tear slip before brushing it away.


"Leaving already?" Silvia asks walking in.

"Yeah, it's been a long night," I sigh and she nods.

"Isn't every night," she cracks her neck, back and wrists. "Did Mark tell you about that guy?" she hesitantly asks and my hand stops mid-air as I grab my cellphone.

"Yeah. Haven't heard the name before but I'm not taking any chances. I'm heading straight home."

"Good," she softly says.

"I'll be fine," I say walking towards her.

"Yeah, I know," she sadly smiles. She pulls me into her arms and I hug her back, hating the reason she holds me this tight before I leave here every night. She pulls away and smiles. "You're Nirah Joy. Of course you'll be fine."

I grab my bag before heading out. I said goodbye to Mark and walked out the front door.

The air was completely cool and goosebumps spread across my face. There were only two men insight. One beside me on his phone and one across the entrance, leaning against his car with a blunt. He was looking down the road so he didn't see me leave.

"Nirah Joy, right?"

I gasp as I feel a huge hand grab onto my wrist. The man on the cell phone.

I yanked my hand away, taking a step back. "What's it to you?" I ask and his face is barely noticeable but I recognized the way he said my name.

Sylvester Toronto.


AN :)
i hope you all enjoyed it, let me know what you think.
don't forget to vote!!

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