chapter 43

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As his precum drips into my hand I slowly lick his tip

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As his precum drips into my hand I slowly lick his tip.

His body jerks and I can't help but smile. "Sensitive, are we?" I whisper in a teasing little voice and he bites down onto his jaw.

I lower my head, slowly bopping my head up and down.

"Okay," Fernandina says, plopping down onto the chair and the leather squeaks. "This thing where I need to make appointments to see you isn't going to work, it's complete bullshit," she slams her hands onto the desk and I can't help but smile as I slow down, pulling up to tease him.

His other hand grips into my hair, pushing me down.

"You disrespected my fiancé, Fernandina," he says in annoyance. "Not to mention you put your hands on one - if not more - of my helpers. You should be glad I'm still willing to do business with you."

I lowered my head even more as I took most of him and felt him grip onto my roots.

"I don't give a fuck about your little fiancé or stupid maid!" she yells, hitting her hand down once again.

"Did you just raise your voice at me?" he asks and I mentally shake my head at her.

I look up at him to see his tongue rubbing the inside of his cheek. Fernandina immediately notices her mistake because she moves back into her seat before clearing the throat.

"I made you who you are so you don't get to treat me like this, Antonio," she then calmly says.

As his piercing hits the back of my throat, I pump what doesn't fit with my hands and he takes a deep breath in.

He gently rubs the top of my head and I squeeze my thighs together, adjusting myself.

"Don't ever take credit for my hard work. You fuck up once and you're gone. I've made that clear already," he calmly says and she sighs.

"But that little maid doesn't know how to follow simple instructions," she whines and I roll my eyes.

As I pump my hands faster his cum springs to the back of my throat and his fingers tangle into my hair as he tugs my head a little back.

I hold back a teary groan as I slow down.

"And your fiancé please. I thought you had taste, Antonio. She dresses sleazy, her hair is always fucking-"

"Finish that sentence and you won't live to see another day."

"Are you threatening me?" she asks in disbelief.

"Yes," he says and I see his hand fisting on the table. "Don't ever insult my fiancé again or having to make appointments with me will be the least of your problems."

"Fine," she groans. "I won't insult your little sle- fiancé," she immediately corrects herself.

"Now get out," he sternly says and I slowly continue before falling back onto my ass, catching my breath.

𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥✔️Where stories live. Discover now