chapter 77

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Cesar had Nereus pinned to the wall with one hand around his throat while the other rested on Nereus waist

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Cesar had Nereus pinned to the wall with one hand around his throat while the other rested on Nereus waist.

Nereus had one hand wrapped around Cesar's cock while his other loosened his pants.

"Nirah!" Nereus gasps and I slam my hand over my eyes.

"Sorry!" I quickly say, turning around.

I grab Antonio's hand, pulling him outside with me. I close the door, covering my mouth with both hands.

I hear shuffling and talking on the other side before Nereus yells at Cesar to he quiet. Seconds later I hear water running and can't hear what they're saying.

"So my brother and..." I slowly trail off and Antonio nods in confusion. "Cesar?" I say in confusion and he nods. "Oh my God," I laugh. "Did you know about..."

"No," Antonio shakes his head and I slowly nod. "Not a clue."

"Well I guess that's one less man to worry about," I tease and he blinks, not showing a hint of emotion. "Too soon? Okay," I nod, trying not to laugh.

Minutes later the door opens and the two of them walk out. "Nirah, listen.." Nereus trails off.

"Boss, I- I can explain-" Cesar quickly says but I stop him.

"No," I put my hand up. "Today he's not your boss so you don't owe him an explanation," I shake my head.


"Nope," I cut Antonio off. "But I still need to know everything," I blurt out and Nereus smiles.

Cesar clears his throat and Nereus casually looks around.

"Oh! Right!" I clasp my hands together. "Do you mind...?" I softly ask Antonio and he looks confused. "See, the girls and gays don't really like talking about feelings in front of straight men..." I press my lips into a thin line. "They just wouldn't get it."

He looks taken back and shifts his eyes to Cesar - who hesitantly nods, shrugging his shoulders - and Nereus who flat out nods, making it known that I'm one hundred percent right.

"Thank you," I smile, kissing his cheek and he turns to leave us. "So?" I excitedly ask. "When did this happen- how did this happen?"

"We actually met a couple months ago when Antonio came to Istanbul to threaten me," Nereus chuckles. "He ordered Cesar to stay outside my door, making sure that I didn't leave and, well... I offered him something to drink since it was really hot that day... and we talked..." he shyly trails off and I place my hands on my heart, sticking out my bottom lip.

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