chapter 37

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I take my time admiring his beautiful body as I clean up the blood

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I take my time admiring his beautiful body as I clean up the blood.

His hands slowly rub the side of my bare thighs and he doesn't tear his eyes off of me.

When I'm finished with his chest, he takes my hand and places it on his rock-hard abs.

My breath hitches as I run my fingernails down each one.

Jesus Christ, they're hard.

I softly smile but pull my hand away.

"Stop it," I demand before tilting his chin upwards with my hand and he grins.

I carefully run my thumb over a cut on his bottom lip.

"Does it hurt?" I ask, keeping my eyes on the cut.

"It hurts the most," he softly says and my lips slightly part as he speaks.

"Uh-huh," I slowly nod. "I'm sure it does," I whisper against his lips and he squeezes the sides of my thighs.

I slowly lean in, kissing his bottom lip. I gently pull it between my teeth before turning his head to the side.

"Tell me what else hurts," I say before kissing the crease of his neck. I slowly kiss up to his ear. "Tell me," I whisper and he pulls me up against his chest, leaving no space between us.

I roll my hips against him as I trail kisses down his jawline and his throat.

He softly groans as I roll my hips down harder onto him. His hands slide up, underneath my dress and he squeezes my ass.

"Where do you want my lips, Antonio?" I whisper against his throat.

He guides my hips as I roll them against him, feeling his erection grow beneath me.

"You're not afraid of someone walking in, tesoro?" he asks and I line my lips with his.

"No one interrupts their precious boss," I whisper and he leans in but I pull back.

I run my nails up the back of his neck, running my fingers through his hair.

I lean in, kissing his jaw instead and he squeezes my thighs in frustration. I can't help but smile.

He wants me to kiss him.

"You're observative," he says as my lips touch every inch of his neck. "I like it," he whispers as his hand rides up my back. He grips onto the nape of my neck and I can't help but smile.

"You're teasing me," he says as I bury my face in his neck. I ignore him as I suck on his skin. He softly groans before pulling me back. "I don't like it," he says and I run my fingertips down his chest.

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