chapter 21

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Katie had made a list of food that I liked and disliked

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Katie had made a list of food that I liked and disliked. She also took down bananas and mushrooms. Two things I'm allergic to.

She assured me to keep that little detail to herself since one of the helpers already didn't like me and said she'd lie and say that I just really hated them.

Antonio ordered Cesar to drive me around but I snuck out and soon as I got to the mall I texted Antonio saying that I snuck away from Cesar and he shouldn't try and find me because I'm not a kid in need of a babysitter.

He was obviously furious but I didn't care.

I stocked up on some products and headed to some clothing stores.

I had a total of six bags and finally walked into my favorite lingerie store.

After all the shopping I bought myself a strawberry milkshake and took a cab home. Cesar was standing outside with a cigar and rushed over to me, taking the bags from me.

I was exhausted so I didn't put up a fight and just let him carry it.

"I'm sorry if I got you into trouble," I say as we walk into my bedroom. "I just don't like being followed or guarded."

"It's okay, miss Nirah," he says and puts the bags down on my bed.

"Call me Nirah, please," I smile at him. "Miss makes me feel like an old rich lady."

"Mr Antonio demanded that we refer to you that way."

"Well I don't like it," I shake my head and he looks at me warily. "Okay fine. I'll talk to him about it but in the mean time how about this," I say stopping in front of him. "Whenever we're alone you'll call me Nirah. But when Antonio is around you can refer to me however. Okay?"

He hesitantly nods and I put my hand out. We shake hands and I run over to my bed, jumping onto it.

"Sit!" I say patting the space next to me.

"Excuse me?"

"Have a seat," I smile. "Now, Cesar," I say more demanding and he sits down. "You're close to Antonio, right?" I ask and he nods. "Perfect. Now spill."

"Spill...?" he frowns.

"Yes. I want to know everything. His likes, dislikes, embarrassing moments, secret hobbies..." I list a few things.

"I cannot, mis- Nirah. Mr Antonio will be furious."

"Oh come on," I whine as I hold my pillow against my chest. "Help me out. I'm marrying a man I know nothing about."

He hesitates.

"Well then tell me his middle name. Does he have one?" I ask and he nods.

Cesar told me his middle name and much more.

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