chapter 64

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B U S T   Y O U R   W I N D O W S

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Elizabeth was quite sweet.

Her and I got along really well. She kind of reminded me of myself with her mechanisms, wording and facial expressions. Even though she was older than me - the same age as Antonio, of course.

We liked most of the same things, which included: dancing, traveling, coffee and dressing completely alien to what the actual weather was.

She had a messed up family too.

"So why'd you two break up?" I casually ask, already knowing the answer.

She hesitates for a moment. "Well since you're marrying him, I might as well tell you. It wasn't anything bad, or negative," she clarifys. "We just sort of drifted apart after he left. He didn't call or text so I wasn't sure where we stood and over time I accepted the fact that we were over," she softly says, looking down as we walk towards a large table with food.

"Did you love him?"

"Of course I did. But love can only carry you so far. After some time you start to question if it's really love to begin with if he was able to pack up and leave without a word."

"I'm sorry," I genuinely say. "Must have been tough," I look up into her eyes and she smiles.

"I got over it," she shrugs her shoulders. "I mean, tonights the first time we've seen each other since we were both seventeen and in a relationship."

"Wait really?" I stop walking in shock. She nods in confirmation and proceeds to ask why it's so surprising. "Well it certainly didn't seem that way," I say and we continue walking.

"We texted once or twice over the years but with our busy schedules it was difficult to meet up."

"Oh," I slowly nod, showing her a smile.

We stop at the table and start eating snacks off of it.

She had left for the bathroom and I stuffed my face with pastries.

High school sweethearts, huh?

They didn't even really break up.

She loved him.

Did he love her? Does he still love her?

They don't talk in years and it looks as if they've been talking everyday. He's so comfortable with.

They didn't officially breakup. Doesn't that mean they're still dating? No, it can't. It doesn't work like that. But what if it did-

My thoughts get interrupted by someone waving their hand in front of my face.

"You still with us?" Antonio teases and I blink, nodding. I hum in confirmation before turning to face the table.

I continue stuffing my face with pastries, before taking a bite of one and pulling it away from my mouth. "You're going straight to my hips, aren't you?" I mumble at the pastry. Shrugging my shoulders I continue to eat it and hear Antonio chuckle.

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