chapter 36

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I swiftly turned around to find her staring at me in shock

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I swiftly turned around to find her staring at me in shock.

"You're still with her..." Samantha forces through her teeth with a smile. "Amazing," she sarcastically says and I shake my head at her.

"Judy Blume," I mock her and I could see the wheels in her head-turning.

"I need to go," he softly whispers from behind me as he snakes both hands around my waist. "Stay with Cesar," he says before kissing my cheek.

He leaves with Samantha and I turn around as I watch them talk while walking away. Cesar instantly appears next to me and puts his arm out for me.

"This way miss Nirah," he says as I hook my arm with his, looking at him in confusion.

"But he went that way," I softly say and Cesar puts his other arm out.

"This way," he repeats himself.

I follow him and we walk towards a huge staircase. I lift my dress as we ascend.

"Where did he go?" I whisper to Cesar but he stays silent. "Well then, where are we going?" I whisper but there's no answer.

"You look beautiful miss Nirah," is all he says as we reach the top of the stairs.

I softly groan.

"Thank you," I mumble and he smiles.

We stood on the second floor.

Up here were much fewer people than downstairs. Women with partners or with bodyguards. There were two men at a closed-off booth. I squint my eyes as they stand up with smiles while speaking to another man.

The twins.

Cesar leads me to the edge of the railing.

It seems as if this floor is built around a huge... boxing ring?

I stare down onto the first floor and then the ground floor. There are people gathered around the railings of all three floors.

My head snaps to Cesar with wide eyes but he keeps his eyes on the ring.

There's no fucking way.

It's not what I'm thinking, it can't be.

"You wanna explain?" I ask Cesar and he slowly turns his head towards me.

"I can't miss Nirah," he says and I frown in confusion.


I turn my head to a familiar voice.


"You look beautiful," he smiles and I return it.

"Thank you," I nod, and once again, Marcus shamelessly checks me out.

𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥✔️Where stories live. Discover now