chapter 10

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I'm gonna get kidnapped

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I'm gonna get kidnapped. They're going to kidnap me.

Or worse. Torture me.

What if they kill me- oh no.

"There's my little athlete," Sylvester grins mockingly, stepping out from between the two men. "Miss me you little whore," he grins and takes another step.

He pulls out a gun, showing it to me.

"Don't try anything funny," he says before putting the gun back into his waistband.

"Go into the building."

My body freezes as the stranger behind me whispers into my ear.

"If I move. They move," I say still looking at Sylvester.

"Go into the building, Nirah," he repeats himself and my breath comes out shaky.

I feel my eyes burn as I take a step forward. Sylvester takes one but stops mid step. His body tenses as he looks down to my waist. I feel an uncomfortable feeling as his eyes strain back up to mine.

Rushing into the hotel with two glass doors I shut the door behind me as I turn to them. Walking backwards, I watch as the two of them converse.

Putting both hands behind his back, the stranger takes a step forward and Sylvester a step back.

The stranger nods his head towards the building and steam practically shoots out of Sylvester's ears.

I grab my phone and dial the number I've dreaded for years.


"Nirah...?" he softly asks.

"What the fuck have you gotten us into Nereus?" I ask and he doesn't speak for a brief moment.

"Nirah I can explain, okay?"

"You can explain!" I yell. "Nereus you couldn't explain anything the last time so please, humor me," I say and he heavily sighs. "If you couldn't explain Alexander I'm so excited to see how you explain Sylvester."

"Nirah I'm sorry-"

"Sorry is what you fucking should be!" I yell in frustration. "I'm practically running for my fucking life and all you have to say is sorry?" I ask in frustration. "These men came to my house, looking for me! They chased me for miles and pulled weapons out on me when I was only eighteen and you're sorry!"

I scoff, running my hands through my hair.

"I'll make it right-"

"You'll make it right?" I mock humorously, to angry to let him even speak. "You've been making it right since we were fucking 17, dammit!"

I feel tears burn my eyes but I can't let them fall, not yet.

"You say you're trying to fix things but you're not. Why should you? It's not like I'm being hunted, torment and stalked by your dirty cop! I mean why should you care when you're sun bathing with girlfriend number four- God what is wrong with you-" I say and my voice cracks.

𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥✔️Where stories live. Discover now