chapter 46

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"Don't do that!" she cried and I held onto her tightly

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"Don't do that!" she cried and I held onto her tightly. Her tears made mine fall too. "Don't scare me like that ever again, Nirah," she cried.

We stayed like that for a little while until she pulled back and saw me crying too.

"What's the matter?" she asks, pulling me down onto our couch in our dressing room.

I cried so much, I couldn't talk and she simply just hugged me. When I had calmed down I explained everything to her. All of it.

"Ayesha sent him that video?" Silvia asks in disbelief and I sadly nod. "Why would she- oh..." she slowly trails off.

"What?" I ask, sniffing.

She licks her lips, anxiously.

"Ayesha was pissed after your confession. I remember her saying that she didn't like this one bit and said that she'd send him the video so that he could see how much he hurt you."

"She what..." I slowly trail off.

"She also sent him a strong worded paragraph about how much of a shit faced dick he was and that he didn't deserve you or your love."

My heart drops as I try and process all of this.

"But... that's why... and I lied... then he... oh my god," I gasp.

"Full sentences," Silvia says and I throw my head back.

I take a deep breath in and look back her.

"I lied. I said that I didn't have any sort of feelings and that I wanted us to continue being engaged because I made a deal with him."

"Nirah!" she yells and I sigh.

"I know... I know..." I sigh. "I fucked up," I nod my head - instant regret.

"Why did you lie?" she softly asks.

"Because... Because I don't know if he feels the same I wasn't going to let him hold that over me-"

"He wouldn't have-"

"How could you be so sure, huh?" I ask in disbelief. "He's the devil, right? So he wouldn't fucking care, much less feel the same. Sorry I didn't want him to treat me like the much others who's fucking in love with him!" I angrily yell, my chest heaving up and down. "You know how much it fucking hurt me the last time, so please, forgive me for fucking this up too out of fear."

"Nirah, I didn't mea-"

"Silvia, I was hospitalized after my last so-called relationship and I know that Antonio isn't him but it's difficult to move on to someone new when deep down I haven't had closure yet."

"Hey," she softly says, pulling me into her arms. "I know, I'm sorry," she softly says. There's silence and I pull back.

"You are... in love with him," she softly says and I realize that I'd let it slip.

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