chapter 19

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I woke up feeling okay

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I woke up feeling okay... which in my case means something bad is going to happen.

My whole day went by smoothly and I finally got back home after my shift at the cafe.

It was almost seven when I started to get ready for work. I had a quick bite to eat and scrolled through my phone.

The doorbell rang and I groaned, getting up.

I cleaned my hands before walking over. I opened the door but no one was there, except a little package. I looked around before bending down.

It was addressed to me so I cautiously picked it up. I put it down on my table before grabbing my keys.

I slowly cut through the tape on the box. Pulling the top flaps I smelt an awful scent.

I gagged, covering my mouth. I took a step back before gathering myself. I hesitantly opened the box and looked inside.

Oh. My. God.

'Have fun on your little date ?'

Silvia reads off of the little card. She turns it back and forth, looking for anything else.

Last night Jordan invited me to watch one of my favorite horror movies with him. We went to the theater, watched the movie and had dinner thereafter.

It wasn't awkward or uncomfortable.

We went on a date as best friends like we use to.

Me holding his hand when he gets scared and him stealing almost all of my food.

"This was all in the box? Except for the... well you-know-what," she whispers and I nod.

I came straight to the club to tell Silvia about the little package I received.

"Yeah," nod, holding onto the sides of my arms. "It doesn't match what was in the box though," I say and she sits down on the sofa next to me.

"Do you have any idea who could've sent this or known you had a date with Jordan?"

"No," I shake my head. "Sylvester is the only person who comes to mind but with his fingers casted I doubt he could've done it."

"Maybe he got someone else to do it."

"No. Sylvester works alone. He wouldn't risk it."

She looks at me and hesitates.

"What?" I ask her, dipping my head.

"What if it was... him?"

"He wouldn't," I shake my head. "Come on, Silvia. You don't seriously believe in that 'diavolo' shit, do you?"

She shrugs her shoulders and lightly scrunches up her face.

After I told Silvia about the proposal she decided to do some research of her own, to make sure that he was who he said he was.

𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥✔️Where stories live. Discover now