chapter 6

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"Well then, I guess if you could come down to the cafe, you aren't so busy after all," I force a smile. I dart my eyes back down to the computer as I set it up for his order. "Now... what can I get you?" I ask, waiting for him to respond.

"One cinnamon latte," he says and I feel his eyes burning through me so I look up.

The tension was so thick you could cut it with Madeline's acrylic nails. Our eyes keeping a daring gaze, neither looking away.

"Size?" I ask and my legs feel numb.
"Regular," he answers and I press my lips into a thin line

I look back down at the computer, confirming his order and then placed it. "My assistant had a rather lengthy complaint about you, Nirah Joy," he says placing both his forearms on the counter top.

"Really?" I scoff.

"Do you handle all your customers with such disrespect?"

"Only the ones who think they're better than everyone else," I casually say. He hums in response, nodding his head. "That'll be $3.90. Extra for your exquisite taste."

"Do you enjoy your job here miss Nirah Joy? Because I doubt your boss will be pleased to know you're disrespecting not one, but two of their customers."

Leaning forward on the counter top, I meet his intense eyes.

"You don't get to threaten me at my own goddamn job," I softly say, not breaking eye contact. "Now would you like to lay a complaint?" I ask and his stare darkens. "If not, I suggest you pay and head over there," I nod over to where people are currently waiting for their orders. "To wait for your drink."

Jordan and Madeline come behind the counter. Madeline with a drink in her hand and Jordan comes to grab some things but he stops at the sight of us. Jordan walks out and stops next to the stranger. He keeps his distance but looks at me.

"Do we have a problem here?" he asks, waiting for me to say the word.

"That'll be 3.90," I say and he reaches into his pocket. He grabs a $50 bill from his wallet and tosses it on the counter top.

He takes his latte that Madeline had made, way to quickly for my liking and nods towards the $50 bill.

"For your exquisite customer service," he sarcastically says before turning and heading for the door. The little bell above the door rings as he leaves and it feels as if I can breathe again.

Letting out a heavy breath I take the bill, tossing it into the register.

"Hey, what was that all about?" Jordan cautiously asks, his voice laced with worrisome.

"I guess it's just not my day," I say before heading out back.

I had Madeline trade shifts with me so that I could be out back by myself, sorting inventory.

After my shift ended at three I said goodbye to everyone and headed home. I got home at three thirty and decided to start cooking up something.

I use the time before my shifts to catch up on school work and or to rest.

My dad is usually at work or out looking for a job. If I'm lucky he doesn't get wasted after not finding anything.

My shift at the club starts at seven which means I have three to four hours to get everything done.

I ate and started on my school work.

I study law which really takes a toll on you. After finding two jobs I went on an online learning course since it was so much easier.

𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥✔️Where stories live. Discover now