chapter 31

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Placing my hands on his shoulders I gently push him back, breaking the kiss

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Placing my hands on his shoulders I gently push him back, breaking the kiss.

I stare up with a smile but it slowly fades. My heart rate slows down as I squint my eyes, realizing who had been in front of me the entire time.


I'm kissing Jordan, not him.

I lick my lips, looking down.

"You okay?" Jordan asks, lifting my chin and I nod.

"I'm fine, I just- I just need to get some air," I say turning around, making my way through all the dancing bodies.

I push open the door, hearing Silvia call out to me.

"Hey what's wrong?" she runs up to me and I spin around to face her.

"I kissed Jordan," I blurt out and her eyes grow wide. She breaks out in a big smile so I continue. "But I thought about Antonio the entire time," I quickly say and her smile fades.

"Oh," she sharply says and I nod. "Fuck," she drops her shoulders.

"Silvia, I don't know what's happening and I don't know what's wrong with me," I quickly say, pacing up and down. "I'm doing all these things with Jordan but I'm thinking of Antonio the entire time and I feel guilty about it. It's as if I'm betraying both of them somehow."

"Well, how do you feel about Antonio?" she softly asks and I take a deep breath in.

"I don't know... I might have a tiny little crush on him," I awkwardly smile as I indicate with my thumb and pointer finger.

"And how does this crush feel about you because we all know how Jordan feels," she asks and I shrug my shoulders, looking down. "Look, Antonio takes what he wants. It's a well-known fact. Trust me. So if he hasn't made a move yet..." she slowly says and I look up to meet her soft eyes. "I'm not trying to hurt you, Nirah. I'm just telling you how I see it."

"No. You're right," I nod.

"Hey," she says rubbing my arm. "Why don't you and Jordan call it a night. Tomorrow - when you're not intoxicated - we can talk about it."

I sigh, feeling the cold air brush up against my skin.

"It's either that or you continue drinking and do something you'll regret in the morning."


"You're really good looking, Jordan," I mumble as my fingers play with the hair on the back of his neck and he smiles down at me.

"Hm," he hums in response and I adjust my arms around his neck as he carries me out of the car.

"Seriously," I nod and he unlocks his front door. "So good looking," I lazily smile as I stare straight into his chest and he carries me to the guest room where I always sleep. "When did you change your room?" I ask looking around.

𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥✔️Where stories live. Discover now