: ̗̀➛ Epilogue

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[When Scars Become Art - Gatton]

five years later

"Daddy's home!" I hear our five year old daughter Arabella scream and I whip around to find Antonio standing in the doorway.

She runs into his arms and he crouches down, embracing her.

"Daddy!" I hear Athena scream - Arabella's twin sister - as she runs out of the bathroom and into his arms as well.

"How's my favorite girls?" he smiles, kissing their cheeks.

Kingsley barks excitedly, running up to him as well. "And my favorite little guy," he smiles down at him and Kingsley sits, staring up at him.

He walks towards me, kissing my cheek and Ilaria's - our two year old daughter that sat on my hip.

"Mommy made us waffles for breakfast and as added ice cream and syrup and berries and strawberries and chocolate," Arabella says, catching her breath.

"Yeah- then she played music and we danced around the house until we all fell to the floor," Athena quickly adds.

"And she also took us on a huge boat!" Arabella says, overly excited as she stretches her arms into the air. "An and- she also taught me how to braid Athena's hair! Look!" she points at her sister who all too willingly, whips her head to the side as she reveavls her long braid down her back.

They continue ranting about their day and what a cool mom I am, which I am, if I do say so myself.

After a little while they hopped off his arm and rushed into their room to show him how good of an artist they both were.

"Mines better, right!" Athena jumps up and down, holding her painting in the air.

"That's not fair because I don't really care for painting," Arabella pouts, crossing her arms over her chest. "I wanna be a dancer!" she claps her hands. "Like mommy," she points at me and I freeze.

Antonio looks over at me and I clear my throat, casually looking around.

"Oh, God no," Antonio breathlessly says and I can't help but chuckle.

"Her mother use to be a ballet dancer in middle school and now so does she," I softly say - using my eyes to explain that she doesn't mean being a stripper - and Antonio slowly nods.

"As long as you're wearing pants," he says and I can't help but laugh.

"Of course I'd be wearing pants," Arabella frowns. She leans over to me and whispers, "I think daddy has gotten too many hits to the head," as she points her thumb at him.

"I said the same thing," I smile and she high-fives me.

"Great minds think alike, right mommy?" she smiles up at and I nod, gently placing my hand on the back of her head.

Arabella - since the day she was born, quite literally - has always been more like me than Antonio, whereas Athena was more like him. Although they were identical twins, their personalities differed.

"We should paint our little brother too!" Arabella gasps.

"Let's go!" Athena gasps as well as she puts her hand out. Arabella grabs her sister's hand and the twins rush out of the room to grab their paint supplies.

"I didn't know we were expecting a boy..." Antonio slowly trails off as he walks up to me, hugging me from behind. He kisses my neck and Ilaria taps his shoulder, wanting attention as well.

He takes her from me, giving her multiple kisses all over her face and she laughs, grabbing his face in her small hands.

She plants a big kiss on his forehead and hops off, running towards her toys.

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