chapter 7

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I spotted Jordan at the bar, holding up my phone. I patted my hips, realizing thay he had my phone. I smiled and rushed over to him. "Thank you," I say throwing my arms around his neck, holding him tightly before pulling away.

After thanking him he explained that he had found it under a few papers in the back.

"You staying for the show or..."

"Is Nirah Joy allowing me to actually watch her show?" he says and I can tell he's excited.

"Well..." I slowly trail off. "You're my best friend and you also came all this way to drop off my phone so yes. How could I steal this opportunity for you to see your amazingly sexy best friend in action."

"The Lord has finally answered my prayers," he squeezes his hands together.

"Shut up," I laugh, pushing back his shoulder. "Well in that case, have a seat and enjoy the show. I'll have one of the waiters serve you while I perform."

He nods and I leave him.

Ever since the day I told Jordan about my job here I was pretty insecure to let him watch me perform.

I felt as if it would get in the way of our friendship, or that he'll see me differently... negatively. But Jordan has seen my best and worst side and he's still here so it's time to face my fears.

I made my attractive stalkers drink and took it to him. He seemed too occupied by his phone to even noticed my presence which I was thankful for, because it meant I could rush back to my dressing room.

Shrugging my coat over my shoulders, I let it fall to the ground as I stare at myself in the full length mirror in my dressing room after getting ready.

Taking a deep breath in I head over to the stage, waiting behind the curtains. I hear the crowd and a smile immediately spreads across my face.

Letting out short, shaky breaths I hop onto one foot then the other. Jesus, why am I so nervous tonight.

Oh I don't know. Maybe because there are two hot guys out there tonight. One hot stranger and the other just happens to be your best friend.

Thanks little voice in my head.

Blowing out one last breath I head onto stage, not seeing much. The spotlight and lights around me go on and loud cheers are heard.

I started my routine and the energy was immaculate from the start.

I didn't think of the pole as something hard and metallic. I turned it into my partner. I used it to my benefit, I took control.

The music slowly faded as I did my ending moves and slowly slid down onto the pole.

I stood up, catching my breath as I got a standing ovation.

I narrowed my eyes, searching the room for Jordan. My eyes landed on mr hot stranger. His fingers ran up and down his jaw and his eyes traveled up and down my body before he grinned and looked away.

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