chapter 49

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A L L   F O R   H E R

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guns, blood, shooting, torturing, loosing body parts, knives, open flesh.

His gun falls next to him, and I kick it away.

Using my foot, I push him over so that he lays on his back. His face scrunched up in pain.

"You should know better than to threaten me," I crouch down in front of him.

"I had to."

"Oh, you had to?" I taunt and he nods.

"Sylvester he- he said that if he wasn't home in three hours we should find the girl and take her-" he cuts himself off, groaning as the blood flows out of him. "Please, get it out," he whines and lifts his back off the ground.

I tap the point of my gun on his chest, thinking.

"You're no use for me anymore," I sigh, cocking my gun. "Help me out here," I lowly say, placing the gun to his forehead. "Through here?" I ask, then moving it down between his eyes. "Or here?"

"No, no Antonio please," he begs and I move it underneath his chin.

That's it.

"Try again," I say, pressing the gun into his skin.

His eyes shift between mine, practically falling out of his head. His breath coming out shakily.

"Diavolo," the word comes out faint yet full of fear.

A good three out of three.

Blood splats across the hall and onto the already red carpet. I pull my hankie chief out of my pocket, cleaning the point of my gun.

I turn around and as soon as the male nurse locks eyes with me, he faints.

Oh for fucks sake.

I let out an annoyed breath before walking over to the bathroom. I put my gun back in my waistband as I open the door.

Her head snaps up in my direction and she gets up, wincing as she forgets that she's still injured.

"Easy," I smile, picking her up. "Not a single scratch, remember?"

She takes my face in both hands, examining it thoroughly.

"You're fine," she nods. "But how did you-"

"Don't worry about it," I shake my head. "Will you do me a favor, tesoro?" I ask and she nods. "Close your eyes for me and don't open them until we get to the car."

𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥✔️Where stories live. Discover now