chapter 8

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He sat down - at my table - and Mark still spoke, leaving soon after

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He sat down - at my table - and Mark still spoke, leaving soon after. I got up and walked over.

"And what can I get you my oddly attractive stalker?"

"You can start by getting me a Whiskey," he says taking out his cellphone that had just vibrated. "And don't take your time. You don't see me getting any younger."

"No way," I gasp.


"Out of every single table here, you're always at this one because you know its mine and you love ordering me around."


"Oh yeah. I'm onto you," I narrow my eyes at him.

"You're not that important for me to waste my time on," he looks at me sternly. "Correction. I don't really find you that interesting."

"Easy, love. No need to get so defensive," I grin. "Do you get off on ordering me around?"

"You're curious as to what gets me off?" he asks and my face heats up.

"Nope. Never mind," I shake my head. "I can't believe I even stayed long enough for this conversation to get to this far," I mumble.

I leave and make his drink.

"Hey NJ," Ayesha - one of the dancers - calls out to me. "I need a favor."

Ayesha and I are close. She's a single mother of a little boy that I adore.

Every year she invites us over for his birthday and he really grew on me. He calls me 'Nee' which his the cutest thing ever.

Ayesha asks me to set her up with the stranger since we seem to close.

Ironic since I don't even know his name.

I approach his table, setting his drink down.

"Hey so my friend Ayesha thinks you're hot. She wants to know if you're single and interested in a sexy baby momma."

"Yes to the single. No to the..." he trails off with a little frown. "Other thing."

"Oh come on. She's really cute and freakishly flexible, if u know what I mean," I dramatically wink.

"Yes to the single. No to the other thing." he sternly repeats himself.


"Do you get off on setting up really hot and single guys," he grins arrogantly.

"I finally get it..." I slowly trail off.


"Why you're single," I smile before walking away.

I know my life's motto is hot and sexy trumps arrogance but boy was I wrong. I found Ayesha and kindly broke the news to her. I lied saying he wasn't interested in dating right now and I could tell she was hurt.

𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥✔️Where stories live. Discover now