chapter 67

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Walking over, I hug him from behind by wrapping my arms around his neck

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Walking over, I hug him from behind by wrapping my arms around his neck. The blanket hangs in front of him and he holds onto my forearms with one hand.

He wore a black t-shirt with his - my favorite - black plaid pajamas pants.

Jesus Christ, I love these pants.

"Why aren't you in bed?" I ask, kissing his cheek repeatedly.

He simply shakes his head and I rest my chin on his shoulder.

"I think it's your turn to talk to me now," I softly say and I feel his chest rise before slowly lowering.

"It's not over yet," he bites down onto his jaw.

"What do you mean?" I nervously ask, trying to steady my voice.

"There's someone else involved," he fists his hand on the table. "Sylvester was supposed to deliver you to Alexander and he was supposed to deliver you to someone else. The one calling the shots," he says and my arms around his neck loosened.

"How do you know that?" I hesitantly ask.

"Because Alexander's right hand man showed up to the house, looking for him. My father got ahold of him and make him talk."

"Oh," I quickly - yet softly - say. "Do you have any idea who it could be?" I ask and he keeps his eyes glued to the fireplace.

"It has to be someone from your past."

"Except the two dead men, there isn't anyone else," I shake my head and he looks at me. He encourages me to think and there's silence for a while. "I mean there's the blond jock that I almost beat half to- oh! Could it be him?" I ask and Antonio shakes his head.

"Three. Three dead men, tesoro. I took care of him, long ago," he says looking back at the fire and I pull my head back.

"Excuse me? You 'took care' of Loren?" I ask in confusion.

"Yes. The day after you spent the night at my place."

"You killed Loren?" I whisper-yell in disbelief and shock. He nods and I blink for a while. "Wow, okay," I breathlessly say. "Just go ahead and kill all the guys I tell you about then," I sarcastically say.

"Oh, I will," he nods - his eyes not meeting mine.

He killed Loren too?

He's quiet and I can see there's something else.

"Hey, what else is bothering you?" I ask walking around. I sit down next to him, pulling my legs up onto the sofa. I wrap myself up in my blanket, snuggling into his side."Tell me," I say and he runs a hand down his face.

"Sylvester's men trashed your house and Alexander's men drove by my house, shooting on the place."

My heart nearly drops.

𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥✔️Where stories live. Discover now