chapter 48

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!!TW!!guns, blood, shooting

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guns, blood, shooting

I watch as the doctor shines a bright white light into her right eye, then her left, repeatedly.

He clicks his flashlight, saying a few words to the nurses and the start making notes.

"Did you hit your head, Miss Nirah?" the doctor asks and she looks around the room.

"Yes," she nods.

"Did someone hit you?" he asks and I run my fingers up and down my jaw.

She clears her throat, nodding.

"Were you stabbed?" he asks again and I see the confusion on her face.

"As my doctor, shouldn't you know that I was?" she asks and I almost smile, feeling an alien emotion that she's still her feisty self.

He gives her a knowing look through the top of his glasses and turns to the nurse.

They exchange a few words and nods.

"Do you remember what you had for breakfast?" the doctor asks and it takes her a second before she shakes her head.

"I didn't have breakfast."

"Well, what did you have for dinner the night before?"

She licks her lips anxiously.

"I didn't have dinner either," she frowns to herself.

The nurse looks over at the doctor and he speaks again. "When and what is the last thing you've eaten, miss Nirah?"

"Er..." she thinks for a moment.

Why is it taking her so long?

Hasn't she been eating?

"Two days ago," she finally speaks up and I run my tongue over my top teeth. "I had breakfast in my room. An omelet to be exact."

"Did you consume any liquids for the two days that you haven't eaten?"

"Does alcohol count?" she humorously asks and I drop my head in my hand.

"That explains the seizure and slow healing," the doctor adds and I look up. "Nurse, Stacey. Please prepare her dinner. Her menu's over there," he instructs her and she nods, leaving the room soon after.

"So what's my diagnosis, Doc?" she asks trying to sit up but winces at the pain. I rush over but she stops me. "Need to get use to that," she softly says and I sit down in the chair next to her.

"You suffered a mild concussion and seizure. Some internal bleeding but we managed to stop that. Your little cuts and bruises will heal soon so that won't be a problem."

𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥✔️Where stories live. Discover now