chapter 61

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Still holding onto Antonio with both hands he walked me over to where Amilia had moved to

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Still holding onto Antonio with both hands he walked me over to where Amilia had moved to. She was standing with a woman - their mother, I'm guessing - because the resemblance between her and Amilia was uncanny.

She had black hair that was pushed back into a ponytail. Her eyes were an olive green and her cheeks coated in a light shade of pink. She was dressed beautifully in a black dress that was floor length as well.

The older woman smiled graciously at her daughter before lifting her eyes to meet mine.

"Nirah dear," she softly says, slowly approaching me.

Before I could even get a word out I was pulled into her arms. "Hello little one," she squeezes me in her arms and I'm taken by complete surprise.

She pulls away and starts going off in Italian. She's smiling and looks excited as she practically speed talks and I simply look over at Antonio to see him trying not to smile too much and Amilia who nods in agreement.

When their mother finally stops talking she pulls me into a hug once again. As she pulls back, Antonio speaks, "Mamma, lei non parla Italiano," he says and she looks over at him in surprise.

Her face slightly changes for a second and my heart nearly leaps out of my chest. She drops her shoulders, shaking her head. "It is okay," she brushes it off. "My english is not the best either," she speaks in a soft Italian accent and I smile, nodding.

"I'm so glad to finally meet you," I say and she nods.

"I just can't believe you're real," she says and Antonio looks taken back. "I mean, I know my son and even though I love him, I know he's not the easiest and most fun person to be around," she almost whispers and I snicker. "I have always been afraid he'd end up alone," she teases.

"I can be fun," he says almost defensively and Amilia scoffs.

"Yeah right. Your definition of fun is staying up an hour later than your usual bedtime, I mean come on- what are you, a kid?" she practically laughs in his face and their mother sighs.

"You're calling me a kid? Who called mamma, crying, that little Ivan forgot to buy her, her favorite fucking candy," he says and she frowns.

"It was about more than just candy and you know it!" she yells back and their mother steps in.

"Behave. Both of you," she demands and Amilia rolls her eyes at Antonio. "Now leave Nirah and I," she says and Antonio looks over at me. He kisses my temple before walking away with Amilia.

"Do they always bicker like that?" I ask as I see Amilia hit Antonio's arm repeatedly.

"When don't they," is all she says, walking towards a waiter to grab a glass of champagne and I follow behind. "Bruno," their mother says and an older man turns around - wearing an expensive grey suit with a shiny diamond watch on his wrist that holds a champagne glass.

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