chapter 13

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"You too," he says to me and I look him and down before rolling my eyes

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"You too," he says to me and I look him and down before rolling my eyes.

"Not on your payroll sweetness. Don't tell me what to do," I say taking a few steps into the house. "He has surprisingly good taste," I mumble to myself.

"Thank you," he says and I mentally kick myself. He didn't need to hear that. "Samantha," he says and I whip around.

"Samantha," I say with big mocking smile on my face. "That would've been my next guess, God you're so predictable."

"And you're nothing but a hooker who I'm guessing got lucky. So please, keep your filthy mouth away from me or I'll come over there and do it myself."

"You sure, I wouldn't want you breaking a nail or anything," I say crossing my arms over my chest.

She scans my outfit and smiles.

"Definitely a downgrade from the last one you brought home," she turns to face him.

My eyes dart to the flower pot beside one of the tables and a huge smirk appears on my face. As I pick it up he grabs it from me and my smirk immediately disappears.

"Don't break my house down," he says and I sigh.

"Show her to her room for tonight."

"Yes sir," she smiles and turns on her heels. "Let's go Judy Blume," she says walking towards the stairs and I follow her.

"I'm surprised your knowledge goes that far."

"Samantha," he says and she immediately stops. "Her real room," he says and she rolls her eyes.

"I wasn't-"

"Yes. You were."

"Fine," she groans.

As she led me upstairs he walked in a different direction. She opened the door and walked inside and I followed her.

Not bad.

She left for a while as I looked around the room. There was a huge bed with comfortable pillows to my left. A nightstand on either side. Across the bed were two huge ass windows with long cream curtains. Opposite the bed was the bathroom.

"Here," she says as she hands me some clothes. "It's his. I wouldn't share my wardrobe with you even if you were naked."

She turns on her heels and leaves.

It was a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt.

I got cleaned up and put the shirt on which fit me like a dress. His sweatpants on the other hand was way to big, especially around my waist even when I folded it over.

I decided the shirt would have to do.

I sat on the bed and checked my phone. Three missed calls from Jordan and sixteen from Silvia. They both also texted a dozen times and even Mark called. Twice.

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