Chapter Sixteen: Memory Lane.

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Chapter Sixteen: Memory Lane.


The woman with wide green eyes stared at me from her big comfy chair. The plate on her desk said 'Mary Hughes' I shuffled around awkwardly on the black leather chair with my feet propped up on the small stool in front of me. She tapped her pen on her note pad before clearing her throat.

'You've been here almost two hours Samantha and haven't spoken a word,' she said. I wove my fingers together and placed them on my lap.

'What would you like to know?' I replied. She seemed surprised by the tone of my voice. She straightened up a little more and squinted her eyes.

'What would you like to tell me?' She cocked her head to the side. I let out a deep breath.

'Aren't I suppose to be asking the questions? Aren't you suppose to be helping me?'

'I can't help you if I don't know anything about you,' she said much calmer than me. I waited a moment before answering.

'Just like things about me?' I asked hesitantly.

'The basics, nothing too complicated.' I chewed on the inside of my cheek before staring at the ceiling.

'My name is Samantha Nicole Moncayo, I'm 22 years of age. I will turn 23 in August. I currently do some modeling, nothing too extreme. I was born here, in the UK and moved at the age of 10. My parents were never married, I barely remember my father at all.' She scribbled down something quickly before looking at me eager for more.

'I moved to Hawaii, began to surf and enjoyed that very much. When I was almost 17, my mom and I moved to California so she could pursue her fashion line, she designs swim suits. She is very good at it I might add.' I looked at her as she wrote quickly. She looked back up waiting for me to say something.

'Any relationships as a teenager, partners of any sort?'

'Mhmm,' I nodded slowly.

'Tell me a little bit about those,' she got ready to write. I rubbed my eyes and tied my hair it knots wondering how to begin.

'My first boyfriend...' I began softly.

'I was 15...and we grew up together. We ran into each other one summer in Hawaii and everything just made sense. I was so happy. He had come down with four of his friends for some promotional things I guess...we all bonded that summer.'

'His name?'

'Harry.' His name sounded so weird coming from my mouth.

'You said his name with so much anger, you guys are no longer together?'

'Harry's married.' Her eyes widened a little before she crossed some things out on her paper.

'Was it only a summer relationship?'

'He's from here, so when summer was over he came back. We stopped talking. No phone calls, or text messages, emails or letters. Nothing,' I found myself getting worked up.

'Haven you spoken to him since?'

'When I was 17 we recconected through one of our mutual friends. It was just like it use to be. Effortless.' She nodded so I continued.

'I gave up everything for him. I left my mum, her boyfriend and our new job we shared together. I moved back here, so we could be together for real this time. He bought a place for us, it was perfect. We were perfect. Everything was perfect.'

'Nothing's perfect sweetheart,' she assured me. I let out a breath and nodded.

'I know...I soon found that out when about a year into the relationship...He was cheating on me.' Her pen came to a sudden hault. I never talk about what happened with Harry and I all those years ago. She scooted closer in her chair and I dropped my feet from the stool and rested my hands on my knees.

'The worst possbile thing that could happen in a relationship is adultrey.' I nodded, refusing to look at her.

'I noticed when you were coming in you were with a boy with blonde hair and a younger girl around four or so?'


'Do you mind me asking if that was Niall Horan?'

'It was.'

'I am taking Harry as, Harry Styles?' I nodded.

'And the little girl is your daughter?'

'Her name is Darcy...shes four, but shes turning five next month.'

'Darcy's father is....?'

'Harry,' I rubbed the back of my neck.

'Is he in her life?'

'Haz is an excellent father to Darcy. We aren't really on cordial terms at the moment so I've been keeping her from him the past almost two months.'

'So you and Harry still keep in touch?'

'Technically speaking, yes.'

'Using Darcy as a way to get back at Harry isn't the right thing to do, Samantha.'

'You think I don't know that? I know what Im doing is wrong...but...I just don't care.'

'Taking someones child away from them is one of the worst things you can possibly do to someone.' The room fell silent. I looked up at the woman with eyes the resembled Harry's.

'He took everything from me,' I said with a strained voice.

'My teenage young adult hood. I didn't have a normal life at all because I raised his kid at 18 with no help from anyone. And you're telling me that I should give him the one thing I have left in this world?'

-Marry Hughes (The Therapist)-

It took a good twenty minutes before Samantha calmed down. She began going into hysterics, and every little thing Harry had ever done to her came to surface. I noticed that when I brought up Niall, she felt calm again. I headed to the waiting room to find him tapping at his phone.

'Niall Horan?' I said genteelly. He jumped up with a concerned look.

'Sam alright?' The first words that came from his mouth.

'She's alright. She just had a moment, and you know her a lot better than I do, so I thought you could just come in and talk with us for a moment.' He nodded following me to the back room.

When he saw her, he immediately went to her side. Placing his own hand in hers and she wiped her tears from her face. Slightly embarrassed. It stayed quiet for a moment as he soothed her.

'I just thought that brining Niall back would help since you two are so close,' I added after a few minutes. She nodded looking over at Niall.

'Can you tell me about the relationship you guys have?' She looked at him for reassurance and he nodded.

'Darcy and I have been staying with Niall for a while now. He truly is amazing and I don't think I tell him enough how grateful I am for him,' Sam said looking into Niall's eyes. He smiled lightly squeezing her hand.

'I can't help but feel as though there is more than a friendship going on between you guys?'

'Sam knows how I feel about her. She knows I have had strong feelings for her since day one.'

'And is the feeling mutual Sam?' She waited for a moment before softly nodding.

'I love you Niall.'

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