Chapter Twenty Five: 1/4.

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Chapter Twenty Five: 1/4.


I had been at my photo shoot for eleven hours! Eleven! In that eleven hours I may have gotten a slice of apple or a spoonful of peanut butter. To say the least I was starving. I quickly walked into the closest diner. I didn't want to walk down the street in my shoot clothes. People probably thought I was a woman of the night or something.

The sign read 'SEAT YOURSELF' so I scanned the room for tables. That's when I saw a familiar hair style. A sigh of relief washed over me. Louis. It had been almost two weeks since the whole incident went down at my place. I hadn't heard from Eleanor or Louis since. I slowly approached his table and took a seat. He didn't budge. On the table laid a magazine, a half eaten piece of cheese cake and a cup of coffee. His once tan face had paled, his eyes redden and hair dull. He slowly twiddled his fingers and cleared his throat.

'You know there are almost 400 calories in this slice,' he said looking up at for for a quick glance.

'Thats a lot,' I commented.

'Thats why I only eat half,' he mumbled.

'Can I help ya miss?' The waitress asked.

'Umm can I have a Caesar Salad and uh--'

'Three beers,' Louis chimed in. She nodded and left.

'Two for me,' he said quietly. I nodded. It stayed quite for a while. I didn't know what to say, or how to say it.

'How've you been?' I asked. That was a stupid question.

'Its been hard,' he said chewing on his lip. The waitress returned with the beers and I thanked her.

'No one has heard from you. I was so worried.'

'Im okay,' he said twisting the too off his drink.

' to me please,' I almost begged.

'What do you want me to say?' He stared at me.

'I don't know something! I want to help you.'

'You can't fix this,' he shook his head.

'Have you even talked to Eleanor?' He winced at her name.

'When I got back home, most of her stuff was packed...' He began.

'Then in the morning her sister came and got her stuff.'

'And I watched her...take the stuff. Take everything,' he said his voice shaking.

'I didn't try to stop,' he shook his head. He looked out the window at the vacant streets of London. It was eerie how during the day there were so many people, but now it was vacant. He began digging in his pocket and dropped some metal on the table. My heart plummeted when I realized what it was. An engagement ring. With a shaking hand I picked it up and examined the diamond.

'Its pretty right?' He asked almost laughing.

'Its so beautiful,' I said speechless.

'Next three weeks when we were going to go to Hawaii and I thought it would be the perfect time ya know?' I could only nod. I placed the ring back on the table. He pushed the magazine across the table towards me and I took it in my own hands. l read the title. 'ONE DIRECTION HEADED IN DIFFERENT DIRECTIONS' I laughed to myself just thinking how long they have been waiting to use that line. I breezed through trough the article and it basically said the boys were breaking up because of girl issues. Which wasn't exactly true. I could never see them breaking up. I didn't see a world without One Direction.

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