Chapter Twenty Three: Zayn.

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Chapter Twenty Three: Zayn.


The five days Harry was gone I couldn't sleep. I had to cancel three shoots because I couldn't bring my self to them. Usually when the boys are gone, Eleanor and I do stuff. Since she lives right down the street. But I didn't want anything to do with her. I went through my phone seeing a few calls and texts from her.

From: Eleanor Calder.

Hellooo chica! Lets go out and get mani-pedis :)

From: Eleanor Calder.

You there love?

(Missed Call Eleanor Calder)(2)

From: Eleanor Calder.

Everything okay?

From: Eleanor Calder.

I am getting the vibe you are ignoring me...

I tossed my phone and groaned. How could she? I entered the living room and plopped down next to Darcy. She looked up at me.

'Harry coming home today?' She asked.

'Tomorrow,' I said.

'I want to go to Pinkberry,' she whined. I didn't bother arguing with her. I pointed to the door and she giddily jumped up and got her shoes on.

As we drove to Rita's I just questioned everything. Harry and I had come so far, and to bring this up I think that would ruin us. I can't ruin us. Not again. But I had so many questions. Why didn't he tell me the things Eleanor was saying to him? When did this start? Harry and I have never really talked about the whole cheating scandal. Even though he didn't cheat on me with here, all this was a sensitive topic. But I guess all I wanted to know was why.

I watched Darce fill her cup way too much yogurt, and try to lick the excess off the rim. I smiled a little and got her a napkin. We sat down at a little table for two and shared. I avoided the gummy bears and sour worms.

I needed someone to call. Someone to talk to. I couldn't talk to any of the boys about it, maybe Liam, but I don't want to make him any more uncomfortable then he already was in this situation. I could talk to Danielle about it because she would tell Eleanor. The pit of my stomach felt sick, I started to feel like I did all those years ago when I found out the first time. I didn't know what to do. Then it clicked. I could talk to Zayn.


Zayn lived in the same apartment building as Niall. So I knew how to get there. Darcy tagged along slightly behind me as I knocked on his door. I heard footsteps and he greeted me with a smile.

'Wasn't expecting you two,' he said letting us in. His apartment smelled of cigarettes and cologne. Darcy saw Perrie and ran to her.

'Sorry...I was around and thought I'd stop by...'

'No worries. Want some food?' He offered. I shook my head and gave him a weak smile. I sat on the counter and watch him cook.

'Can I ask you something?'

'Sure,' he shrugged.

'How did Louis and Eleanor meet?' I asked. He thought for a second. He scratched the stubble on his face and then nodded to himself.

'Harry introduced them,' he said. I pursed my lips.

'How did Harry know her?' He continued to think.

'He went to some UNI party with one of his old mates and he thought she'd be nice for Lou,' he told me.

'He was right, yeah?' He smiled at me.

'Yea,' I muttered.

'No?' He looked up at me with a confused look.

'If you knew something about Eleanor and Harry would you tell me?'

'Good god...' his eyes widened.

'Theres something going on between them??' He didn't say anything.


'Damn...' Zayn said disappointed.

'Liam told me....' He began.

'That one night when you weren't home Harry had to give Eleanor a ride home and they went back to you and Harry's place. It was Liam, Harry and Eleanor. Liam said Eleanor was slightly drunk and kept telling Harry she wanted to do things to him. Liam said that Harry didn't want to have anything to do with it. But then Eleanor basically tried to give Harry head right in front of him.'

'Oh,' I said my lips forming an O.

'Liam also said that Eleanor had confessed all these feelings she had for Harry. She said she only dated Louis to be close to Harry.' He saw my worried expression and quickly added,'Harry didn't do anything.'

'Are you sure?' I asked letting my head fall into my hands.

'Yes,' he said. I peaked at him through my hands. He let out a heavy sigh.

'There's more?' I asked looking at him. He nodded chewing on his lips.

'She texts Harry...calls him....'

'What do you mean?' I could see him processing the words he was about to say.

'Telling him she has feelings for him...she wants to be with him and stuff.' I clenched my fists and placed one over my mouth to hold back my scream.

'Why doesn't anyone tell me anything?!'

'Only Liam and I know! Harry didn't want us to tell you because he didn't want to upset you.'

'Well I'm really upset now...' I said feeling my eyes burn. My best friend...trying to get with my boyfriend? How could she?

'What I would do if I were you Pumpkin...' He began wrapping his arms around my waist.

'If its really bothering to Harry. Don't talk to Eleanor.'

'And if you can live with it, don't say a word,' he said. I nodded.

'I just feel stupid,' I said releasing myself from his grip.

'Harry was such a dumb fucking flirt Sam, but not that dumb. You and I both know he would never touch Louis's girl.'

'Its just like...I feel that Eleanor has tried to tell me before but I just didn't think anything of it.'

'Would you be able to tell her that you slept with Lou?' He was right. I could never tell her something like that.

'But I would never sleep with Lou in the first place that's the thing.'

'I know...I know,' he said sitting at the the dinner table. I joined him.

'In the end,' he said mouth full of food.

'Its you who has to take control and figure out what you are going to do.'

'What would you do?' I asked.

'Are you and Harry happy?'


'I wouldn't risk anything.' I simply nodded and joined Darcy and Perrie on the couch.

How could I ever face Eleanor again?

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