Chapter Twenty Four: The Beginning Of The End.

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Chapter Twenty Four: The Beginning Of The End.


It smelled so good in the house whenever Harry cooked something. Tonight Louis and Eleanor were coming over for Sunday dinner. I had to face her a lot sooner than I thought. I wasn't going to say anything. Well I hope I didn't. It's been eating at me these past couple days.

I came down stairs and saw Harry patiently cooking. He turned when he heard my footsteps.

'You look so pretty baby,' he said kissing me. I never wear make up or anything anymore, it's mostly victoria secret sweats and unbrushed hair in a rush. So I put on a little bit of make up and ran a straightener through my hair quickly. I am glad Harry noticed.

'Thanks,' I said beginning to cut up potatoes.

'How did you meet Eleanor?' I asked. He gave me a strange look.

'At a party...why?'

'Just wondering,' I shrugged.

'Whats a cooking Styles residence?!' I heard Louis chime from the living room.

'Papas con pollo,' Harry said. Louis made a face.

'Chicken and potatoes,' I nudged Harry.

'And let me guess,' Eleanor appeared. I couldn't look at her.

'Salad for Sam?' She smirked. She came to my side and rubbed my back.

'Did you loose your phone or something?' She asked quietly. I shook my head.

'So you've gotten my calls and texts?' I nodded.

'Why haven't you returned them?'

'Could you set the table?' I almost snapped at her. She made a face before going to the cupboard. Seeing Eleanor, watching her walk around my house and knowing what she's done has changed everything. I couldn't tell you how angry I was. She's my best friend. Was.

'Let's say a blessing,' Louis said holding out his hand. We all embraced hands. Including Harry and Eleanor.

'Thank you for this food we are about to receive, bless us Lord in your name. Amen.'


Harry and Louis talked about guy things. Sports, upcoming events and the other boys. Usually El and I would be doing the same, but instead, it was silent.

'Everything okay?' Harry whispered in my ear. I gave his thigh a generous rub telling him I was 'okay'.

'Funny business going on under the table?' Eleanor smirked raising a brow.

'No,' I said abruptly. She mumbled something and returned to her food. Louis and Darcy piled their potatoes on their plates to see who could stack them higher.

'You seem tense boo,' Harry said.

'Im fine,' I muttered shoving a mouthful of salad down my throat.

'You're doing that thing again,' he said forming a slight smile.

'What thing?' I asked mouthful.

'Shoving food in your mouth when you don't want to talk to me.' I shrugged.

'Hmm,' he hummed placing his hand on the back of my neck.

'I love you,' he said. I rolled my eyes looking up at him through my lashes.

'You don't love me anymore?' He asked.

'Of course I do,' I elbowed him. He let out a small grunt. He began tickling my sides and I laughed pushing him away.

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