Chapter Nineteen: The Talk.

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Chapter Nineteen: The Talk.


Dinner was quite as usual. The only sound were forks hitting the expensive china plates. I looked up at Ashley and I could tell she had been crying.

'How much longer?' She asked. I looked back up at her but she refused to look back.

'What do you mean?' I asked.

'How much longer are you going to put me through this?'

'Put you through what?' I delayed my answer. I knew what she was talking about.

'God damn it Harry! You know what I'm talking about!' She yelled. I didn't answer.

'How could you do this to me?' Her shaking voice asked.

'I didn't want to hurt you,' I said staring down at my untouched food.

'I'm your wife Harry. Not her,' she shook her head from side to side.

'What would you like me to do Ashley? Because if you hadn't noticed I'm pretty fucking stressed out!' I began to raise my voice.

'I don't give a fuck if you're stressed out!' She screeched.

'You're my husband and you always go running back to her!'

'I can't talk about this right now,' I grabbed my dishes and headed to the sink.

'You can't keep avoiding this. You and I both know we are not happy people together Harry,' she followed me. I turned on the sink and began to scrub.

'Did you ever love me at all?' Her voice got quite. I didn't say anything.

'When we make love are you thinking of her?'

'I know you're thinking of her. I can see it in your eyes.'

'Leave Sam out of this,' I said sharply.

'Leave her out of this?' She almost laughed.

'Shes the reason that we could never workout Harry! It's always been her,' She shook her head.

'Even as kids Harry it was always her, you were with, and if you weren't with her you were talking about here and I don't get it!'

'You will never get it,' I said giving up on cleaning the plate and dropping it in the sink. I headed back to our room, taking out a duffle and began packing my things.

'What? You're leaving now?' She came around the corner.

'You were right. It's always been her,' I said stuffing whatever I could in my bag.

'This is it?'

'You're not happy, Im not happy. Why would I stay?'

'You're nothing but a coward Harry Styles,' she said with so much hatred.

'At least I can face the fact that this will never work and move on from it,' I zipped up my bag.

'Take this filthy ring,' she chucked it across the room.

'And never speak to me again,' with those final words I heard door slams and pounding feet. I took a moment to get myself together. I slowly packed another bag with all my things in the bathroom, and a couple pairs of shoes. I'd send someone over to collect the rest of my things another time. I pulled out my phone to text Louis.

To: Louis Tomlinson.

It's over.

From: Louis Tomlinson.

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