Chapter Eight: The First Day.

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Chapter Eight: The First Day.


I tucked Darcy under her princess sheets and pushed her wet curls from her face.

'Big day tomorrow,' I smiled at her. She smiled back.

'Are you excited?' I asked.

'Yeah,' she grinned. It was quiet for a moment and I could tell she was thinking about something.

'What are you thinking about?' I asked.

'Remember when I was at Enzo's house yesterday?' she asked. Enzo is our next door neighbor. He's five.

'Yes. What about Enzo?'

'Enzo asked why I didn't have a dad...' She looked up at me with big green eyes, and I couldn't help

but feel like shit. I knew this day was coming, I just wasn't expecting it right now.

'Do I have one?' she asked. For being four years old, she was smart. Really smart.

'Everyone has a dad honey,' I said taking her tiny hands in mine.

'If I could pick my dad...I would pick Harry,' she beamed at me.

'You would?' my voice cracked.

'He's so funny, he talks funny, and he gives me lots of hugs, kisses and toys,' she giggled.

'Let me promise you something,' I leaned in close for her to hear me.

'Ill introduce you to your dad tomorrow, okay?' she nodded quickly, her green eyes sparkling.

'Get some sleep. Big day tomorrow,' I kissed her forehead.

'Love you,' she murmured rolling on her side.

'Love you too.'

-The Next Morning-

My stomach churned for many reasons today. Reason number one, it's Darcy's first day of school. I wasn't prepared for this. And reason number two, I was coming clean to her about Harry. She deserved to know.

'Mommy you look sick,' she commented not helping my nerves.

'Not helping honey,' I put the car in park and rubbed my forehead. My eyes grazed the parking lot where I saw Harry leaning against his car. Gawd. I took in a few breaths before getting out and getting Darcy out of her car seat. Harry approached us both with a smile and I bent down to Darcy's height.

'Go give your daddy a big hug,' I whispered. She shot me a wild look before a grin spread across her tiny face.

'Harrys my dad?' I smiled at her and she ran towards Harry.

'Daddy!!' she yelled jumping into his arms. The look on Harry's face gave me butterflies. His eyes widened and he looked at me and I just nodded with a small smile. He closed his eyes and held Darcy tight kissing her hair.

'Lets go inside,' Darcy pulled us along.

'You told her?' Harry turned back to look at me.

'She told me, that if she could pick one person in the world to be her dad, it would be you,' I told him.

'She said that?' his face beamed just like hers did.

'Mhmm,' I smiled.

'This is my class,' she announced. I looked at all the kids running around like animals. Glad I'm not a teacher.

'Maybe we should wait another year?' I looked up at Harry feeling anxiety build through my body.

'One of us has to be the strong parent! Don't flake out on me,' Harry gave me a stern look.

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