Chapter Two: Old Friends.

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Chapter Two: Old Friends.

Sam's Pov:

I'm not quite sure what I would do if the weather here wasn't so lovely all the time.

'Can we play here?' Darcy asked pointing to the play ground.

'Just for a few,' I said as she bolted from my hand to the playground. I took a seat on the bench. I attempted to put my hair in its usual messy bun then I realized it was all gone.

'Just play until they get here,' a voice next to me said. I looked over and almost shit my self. I looked back quickly trying to not cause attention to myself.

'How old is she?' he asked.

'She's four,' I said nervously. I felt his gold eyes on me.

'Have we met before?' asked. I turned to face him and he squinted his eyes.

'Sam?' he asked.

'Hi Justin...' I said giving him a small smile.

'How have you been?' he asked embracing me.

'Been better. You?' I asked. He shrugged.

'Same I guess.'

'I see you still board,' he laughed pointing at my long board. I smiled shrugging.

'Is that Jaxon?' I asked looking at the little boy who had grown significantly.

'Gotten big hasn't he?' he smiled.

'Is he gonna be a lady killer like you?' I laughed.

'Ive been training him,' he smirked.

'Look he's already trying his skills out on Darce,' I pointed to them talking to each other. He smiled softly.

'Is she his?' he asked hesitantly. I chewed on my lip.

'Is it that obvious?' I asked quietly.

'She has his eyes...and nose. Harry with blonde hair,' he said. I nodded feeling my heart sink even more.

'He doesn't know does he?' he asked. I shook my head.

'Sam you can't do this on your own! You have to tell him.'

'Ive been fine for the first four years, I should be fine for the next and the next,' I said.

'Niall's going to flip his shit,' he said.

'What does Niall have to do with anything?' I questioned.

'He's bringing his cousin down here...he should be here soon?' he said checking his phone.

'I have to go,' I said scrambling up.

'I don't think so,' Justin said standing in front of me.

'I don't want anything to do with them,' I said grabbing my bag which was quickly snatched from my grip.

'You have to face him someday,' he said holding the bag above his head.

'Today is not that day,' I kept reaching for his bag.

'Come one!' I whined.

'Hey whats up man?' Justin said putting my bag down and going to greet Niall. Shit fuck. Shit. Shit. Maybe he wouldn't recognize me. I sat on the bench and tried to act casual going through my phone and avoiding eye contact.

'Looks like Jaxon made a friend,' Niall's familiar voice was killing me.

'Very good friend,' Justin said elbowing me. I elbowed him back.

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