Chapter 14

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Sam was at work around the same time.

"Sam, I hope you're satisfied. The entire population of Wiggletown has gone nuts over that disaster in Actorville" said Andy Taylor.

"I know, Andy. But me and the guys are working on solving it" said Sam.

"Well, at least you know who our adversary is" said Gomer.

"But you have a lot more solving to do now after what they did to Robin" said Barney.

"I know. We're working on it" said Sam.

"Well, work harder. I'm not about to see Wiggletown go to pieces because four freak shows are out breaking the law" said Andy.

"Okay! I'm gonna do that" said Sam.

"And I haven't seen a sign of your rookie, McNally, all day" said Andy.

"Jeremy had an episode after the break-in and she's helping Chad out" said Sam.

"Well, that's all well and good for Chad and Jeremy. But it's not good for you. You may need more than those two ol' boys" said Andy.

"Don't worry, Andy. We got this" said Sam.

"Let 'er have it, Andy. She knows what she's doing" said Gomer.

"Thank you, Gomer" said Sam.

"Hey. You's been my friend since I met you, kiddo" said Gomer.

Sam nodded then said "Excuse me".

She went down to Actorville. 

It wasn't destroyed but the people weren't as active as they always were.

Sam entered the Brown Derby restaurant hoping to see Chad and his guys soon.

They did enter at some point and tried to smile at their young friend.

"Hey, guys" said Sam.

"Hello, Sam. You know our orders" said Digby.

"Yeah" said Sam writing their orders down.

"Are you alright after last night, dear?" said Pat.

"I'm fine. I'm just sorry I let it happen. I could have stopped that Catwoman from dropping the smoke bomb" said Sam.

"No one blames you, sweet. No one really expected it to happen. Walt is furious" said Chad.

"And he has every right to be" said Sam giving the men grasshoppers.

Tim took a slug of his grasshopper and said "Yeah, but at least we're all in one piece".

"Yeah, but I heard something happened to Robin" said Chad.

"You heard correct. The Penguin sprayed him with one of his toxins. We haven't seen the end of this" said Sam.

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