Chapter 42

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The war lasted longer than anyone had expected.

It was still going on when Robin was heavily pregnant.

It was his ninth month and he was almost full term.

"Gosh. This is it" he said to himself.

He rubbed his pregnant belly and took a deep breath.

Robin was excited that his baby was to begin its life soon, but was sad because he was nearing the end of his own.

"My little baby... I won't be alive when you're born, but I'll always love you. I just hope you remember me" he said.

Batman then came in and said "Well, Robin?"

"It's no use, Batman. I was never able to get out of bed. The Warriors were right" said Robin.

"Knowing them, they've probably found a way to save you by now" said Batman.

"I don't know. They'd never take this long to save someone's life. I'm doomed" said Robin.

"Now that's just the hormones talking, old chum" said Batman.

"No, it's not. I hate this war so much, Batman. And I hate this pain" said Robin.

"I know. Your pregnancy is difficult. The war is lasting longer than expected. Things are looking very bad" said Batman.

"I just hope you'll be here when I eventually go" said Robin.

"I will, Robin. Always" said Batman.

He sang to calm his traumatized sidekick.

Days in the sun, when your life has barely begun

Not until my whole life is done could I ever leave you

You will be alright again, you will no longer be in pain

Even though you will remain out of reach from my arms

Robin: Oh, those days in the sun, what I'd give to relive just one

Undo what's done and bring back the light

Batman: I understand the pain these dark days bring

The spell you're under

Still, it's the friendship we have I sing of tonight

Robin: How in the midst of all this sorrow

Can so much hope and love endure

I was innocent and certain

Now I'm wiser but unsure

(Batman: Days in the past) When my baby begins its childhood

I won't be there to keep it secure (Batman: Those precious days couldn't last)

Batman: I'll keep you close (Robin: I can feel a change in me)

Robin: I'm stronger now but still not free

Both: Days in the sun will return, we must believe

As friends do

That days in the sun will come shining through

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