Chapter 36

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Catwoman was eavesdropping on the Penguin's recording surveillance system when the other three returned.

"Well, Catwoman?" said the Riddler.

"They're declaring war on us" said Catwoman.

"Curses! Those three shrimp-lets have proven tougher than I thought " said the Penguin.

"I just don't understand it. They're younger than Batman and Robin" said the Joker.

"No, the girl is roughly Robin's age and Calvin is closer to Batman's age than Robin's" said Catwoman.

"Age has nothing to do with it, Catwoman! The Three Warriors are becoming as defeating as the Dynamic Duo themselves" said the Joker.

"Yes... but it wasn't like they were alone. I heard the Wiggles' dreamy voices on here too" said Catwoman.

"So they're defeating us mainly because they have help. Maybe this war is a good thing. If they have an army, we can defeat them" said the Riddler. 

"Purr-fect, Riddler" said Catwoman.

"But what are we supposed to do about Batman? Do we get him pregnant too?" said the Joker.

"Absolutely not. Robin's death will undo him enough" said the Penguin.

"So we're just to fight and see what happens?" said the Riddler.

"Precisely. And if we win, a new age will dawn. The age of us" the Penguin announced. 

He sang to make his point.

I never thought an army essential

But it's crude and unspeakably plain

Maybe we've a glimmer of potential

If allied to my vision and brain

I know that your powers of retention

Are as wet as a warthog's backside

But thick as you are, pay attention!

My words are a matter of pride

It's clear from your vacant expressions

The lights are not all on upstairs

But we're talking power and successions

Even you can't be caught unaware

So prepare for the chance of a lifetime

Be prepared for sensational news!

A shiny new era is tiptoeing nearer

Catwoman: And where do we feature?

Penguin: Just listen to teacher

I know it's sounds sordid, but we'll be rewarded

When at last we are given our dues

And injustice deliciously squared

Be prepared!

Riddler: Yeah, be prepared. We'll be prepared. For what?

Penguin: For the destroying of the Dynamic Duo

Joker: But we're only killing Robin 

Penguin: And that itself will kill Batman and the Warriors too

Catwoman: Great idea. Who needs a leader?

Riddler, Joker, Catwoman: No leader, no leader, la la la la la la

Penguin: Idiots! There will be four leaders!

Joker: But you just said...

Penguin: We will leaders! Of Gotham City and Wiggletown and the entire world!

Catwoman: Purr-fect! We'll live forever!

All: It's great that will soon be the leaders

Of the world and be all time adored

Penguin: Of course, quid pro quo, we're expecting

To take certain duties on board

The future is littered with prizes

And though I'm the main addressee

The point that I must emphasize is

You won't get a sniff without me!

So prepare for the war of the century!

Be prepared to go extra far

Joker: Meticulous planning

Catwoman: Tenacity spanning

Riddler: Decades of appeal

Penguin: Is simply why we'll 

Be kings, undisputed

Respected, saluted

And see what wonders we are

Yes, my teeth and ambitions are beared

Be prepared!

All: Yes, our teeth and ambitions are beared

Be prepared!

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