Chapter 44

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Robin was still laid up in bed while the kids were out fighting.

He was feeling okay, but then he felt a sudden pain.

He clutched his belly until the pain ceased.

Robin was terrified that it might have been his time soon.

Alice was next to his bed and she heard him wincing.

"Robin? What is it?" she said.

"I don't know. I just really don't feel good" said Robin.

"My dear... aren't you full term by now?" said Alice.

"I dunno. I guess" said Robin.

"Hmm. Then I'm afraid you might be ready to have the baby soon" said Alice.

"What? It's almost my time?" said Robin.

"Yes, Robin. It's fantastic isn't it?" said Alice.

"No. It's my time as in I'm dying" said Robin.

"Well, that too. I just meant it's fantastic that you'll have a child soon" said Alice.

"Actually, that makes it less fantastic. I'm having a baby, and I'll be dead before its life even begins" said Robin near tears.

Then he had a contraction and said "Ow! Holy stab wound; it hurts!"

"Oh, there there, Robin" said Alice.

"Ms Alice... could I please see the Warriors? I need to say goodbye" said Robin.

"Oh, Robin dear, they're out there fighting" said Alice.

"Please! See if you can get them in here. I have to see them" Robin sobbed.

"Alright, dear, alright" said Alice.

The kids were helping out injured soldiers.

"It looks bad, Sam. We're seeing a lot of injuries here" said Charles Wallace.

"It's like these villains know exactly what we're planning to do" said Calvin.

"Maybe they do. We just need to figure out how" said Sam.

"But for now, we should worry about Robin. He seems like he's gonna have the baby soon" said Calvin.

Alice then came over and said "and soon it will be, Calvin. The Boy Wonder wishes to see you three this instant".

"Is he okay?" said Sam.

"He is for now, but we're beginning to see signs of labor. He wishes to say goodbye while it is still weak" said Alice.

"Goodbye? We're fixing him a way to live" said Charles Wallace.

"I'm afraid you might be too late. Now hurry" said Alice.

The kids hurried into Wigglehouse and found Robin in bed wincing in pain.

"Am I ever glad to see you three" he said.

"You okay?" said Calvin.

"I'm fine besides being in a ton of pain" said Robin.

"Alice said you wanted to see us" said Calvin.

Robin let his tears fall and said "Yeah. I want you guys to know how much I needed you".

"You needed us?" said Charles Wallace.

"Me and Batman both. I couldn't fight crime like this and you were our only hope. I never thanked you for being there" said Robin.

"Aw. We're just doing our job" said Sam.

"Just doing your job my foot. You were doing everything" said Robin.

Then he had another contraction and groaned in pain.

"How far apart are those?" said Calvin.

"I don't know. I never counted. It really hurts" said Robin.

"Okay. We're gonna make this goodbye short and sweet" said Calvin.

"Calvin! I'm surprised at you! We won't see this boy again. We need to say a great big goodbye to him" said Charles Wallace.

He jumped onto Robin's bed and gave him a gigantic hug.

"Oh, Charles Wallace..." Robin whispered.

Calvin was next. He shook Robin's hand then gave him a hug.

"You're awesome, Robin, you really are" said Calvin.

"You're awesome too, Cal" said Robin. 

Finally, Robin sadly turned to Sam.

She hugged him and he sobbed his eyes out on her shoulder.

"Sam, I'm so sorry" Robin said.

"For what?" said Sam.

"For everything. I've been mistreating you since I met you" said Robin.

"When was the last time you've mistreated me?" said Sam.

"This war is going on. If I weren't pregnant, Batman and I would have fought those villains and none of this would have happened" said Robin.

"Ugh. That was the Penguin's doing" said Sam.

"The pregnancy is, but I'm the one that kept Batman from helping you. I'm extremely sorry, Sam" Robin sobbed.

Sam hugged him one last time. 

"I wish there was some way you could save me" said Robin.

"There is, but Alice said we were too late to use it" said Charles Wallace.

Just then, Robin felt a much more extreme pain.

"Holy ocean! My water broke!" he shouted.

"Okay... we're gonna help you here" said Sam.

"No. Get out there and fight" said Robin.

"Don't you want help?" said Charles Wallace.

"Of course I do, but... do you really think I want you to see my death? No" said Robin.

"We get it, but... we won't see you again" said Sam.

"I know. That's why I called you here now. So you won't have to watch me die" said Robin.

Each of the Warriors gave him one last hug and Sam gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Goodbye, Robin" said Sam.

Robin dried his eyes and said "goodbye".

The three Warriors went back to war and Robin stayed in bed. 

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