Chapter 39

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Sam explained to Andy Taylor that she'd declared war on the four fiends.

"War? In Wiggletown? That's a bit violent, don't you think?" said Andy.

"Andy, it's the only way we can defeat them. And it'll probably save Robin's life" said Sam.

"Come on, Andy. The kid's got a point" said Gomer.

"Yeah, Andy" Barney agreed.

"Well... I guess. But if you get hurt in that battle..." said Andy to Sam.

"I won't. You know me better than that" said Sam.

Later, she and the boys had to tell Robin the bad news.

Before they got there, Robin was panicking in bed.

"Ms Alice, they've been gone for such a long time. I hope they're okay" said Robin.

"They must be. You know how they are" said Alice.

Robin then heard the door close outside his room.

"Hot diggity! Here they come now" he said.

The kids entered the room and Robin gave each of them a hug.

"Any better, Robin?" said Charles Wallace.

"No, Charles Wallace. I don't know when I'll be back on my feet" said Robin.

"And you never will" said Sam straight-up.

"Never?" said Robin.

The kids were strained now.

"Sam, you go ahead. You started it" said Calvin.

Sam looked at Robin with sad eyes.

"Robin... this isn't easy to say. While we were splitting up, Murray and I ran into the Riddler and he riddled us some bad news" said Sam.

"Bad news?" said Robin.

"Yeah. I don't know how to break it down so I'm just gonna say it" said Sam.

"You're scaring me" said Robin.

"This pregnancy is gonna kill you, Robin. After you have the baby, you're gonna die" said Sam.

Robin was entirely speechless.

He just sat in his bed gasping until tears eventually streamed down his face.

"Holy murder!" he screamed.

"Holy murder is right" said Charles Wallace.

"I told Andy this war might save you though" said Sam.

"A war doesn't save lives unless it's shortened! I'm toast" Robin sobbed.

"That's actually a good point" said Charles Wallace.

"I guess we better go tell Aunt Harriet her nephew is dying" said Calvin.

"No! You can't tell Aunt Harriet. It'll kill her too. And it'll also reveal my real identity" said Robin.

"Commissioner Gordon only put Robin's pregnancy out there. They don't know nothing about Dick Grayson" said Calvin.

"But still. If Aunt Harriet knows her nephew is dying at the exact same time as Robin, she'll know something's up" said Charles Wallace.

"By gawrsh, that's right" said Sam.

"Then... we give her a cover story. Say he got a really bad illness from war injury" said Calvin.

"Great idea!" said Sam.

"But, guys... I can't bear it. You have to save me" said Robin.

"We can't, Robin" said Calvin.

"Calvin! Don't traumatize the Boy Wonder!" Alice scolded.

"Sorry, Robin" Calvin sighed.

Robin wanted to respond, but the pain in his pregnant belly caught him off guard.

"Go. He's not well at all" said Alice.

The kids raced away.

"Oh... my baby's acting up. And quite frankly, I'm about to too. I can't believe the Penguin is literally killing me with a pregnancy" said Robin.

"I'm sorry, Robin. I wish there was some way to save you" said Alice.

"I could really use a bright side" said Robin.

Then he lurched forward and snapped "Holy gastric disease! My belly!"

"Here. I'll fetch you a cup of tea" said Alice.

She ran into Batman on the way out.

"What's the matter?" said Batman.

"Oh. Let him alone for a minute. The kids came back and they said this pregnancy of his was life threatening" Alice explained.

"Were they serious?" said Batman in shock.

"Yes, I'm afraid. I'll fetch you both a cup of tea" said Alice.

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