Chapter 6

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As I'm sure most of you could guess, that was an April Fool's joke! I've been wanting to do one of those ever since I started this fanfic and let's just say it was not what I expected it would be XD                                                                                                                                                                    Also, the whole point of them falling into a black void was an idea that will be better explained later in the story but was essentially their world collapsing due to sokeefe not happening. It'll make more sense laterrrrr, I promiseeeee                                                                   And sorry it's taken me so long to get another chapter up. It would be going faster, but I've chosen to only write when I feel in the mood cause the writing tends to be a bit better. Like how the first chapter was probably better than any of the other chapters so far XD     Without further ado, here's the actual chapter 5, starting from where I left off with chapter 4 (you might wanna re-read that to refresh your memory lol)

Keefe smirked and laughed.

"Just kidding, Foster." he said, smiling. Sophie shoved him and laughed, still embarassed but trying her best to shake it off.

"Come on! Come on!" said a shrill voice from in front of them belonging to none other than Alora.

"Okay! We're coming!" Sophie said, laughing.

When they walked in the house, there were blitzenberry muffins waiting on the counter.

"Where did those come from?" Sophie asked.

"Grandma Edaline brought them over yesterday, remember?" Alora answered.

"Right. I just forgot." Sophie said, recovering from her confusion.

Alora jumped and grabbed a muffin, a second later stuffing the whole thing into her mouth. Keefe pulled three out of the container.

"Why do you have three?"

"Easy. One for you and two for me."

"How come you get two?" Sophie pouted.

"Because I'm a growing boy, Foster. Plus, Edaline's muffins are the best, no doubt."

Sophie rolled her eyes and took a muffin out of Keefe's hand. She took a timid bite. Mmmm, she thought. No matter what dimension they were in, Edaline's cooking was still amazing. Man, she missed Edaline. She missed Grady. That reminded her: she should call Biana. Sophie quickly stuffed the rest of the muffin in her mouth and walked out of the kitchen. She got to the foot of the stairs before a hand touched her shoulder. She spun around. Keefe. Of course.

"Where are you going?" Keefe asked, his eyebrows scrunched together, obviously confused.

"I want to go talk to Biana."

"Right now?"

"Just over imparter."


They stood there, awkwardly looking at each other for a moment, before they heard the sound of thudding footsteps. Sophie snapped her head around to face the stairs, seeing both Kenric and Ashton running down the stairs.

"We smelled Grandma Edaline's blitzenberry muffins!" they both excitedly squealed in sync.

Both Sophie and Keefe laughed and the latter lead the boys to the kitchen while Sophie went upstairs to talk to Biana.

Sophie opened the door to her and Keefe's room and went straight over to where she'd left her imparter. Her lips opened to say Biana's name, but then she slowly closed them again. Should she really do this? It didn't seem to help talking to Lihn and now she had a random dinner to go to the next day. Was talking to Biana going to solve anything? If Sophie was really being honest with herself, she knew deep down that it was very probable that only Sophie and Keefe were going through this.

Sophie spent the next few minutes debating with herself whether or not to call Biana. What's that harm, she thought. I'd rather know for sure that she wasn't going through it than spend more time wondering if there was a slight possiblity that she was, Sophie concluded.

"Biana." Sophie said to the imparter. After a few moments, Biana's face shimmered onto the imparter.


"Hey, Biana."

"What's going on? Why did you call? Ah no! Sophie, you better not be canceling on us! I was really excited that we were all going to hang out together tomorrow, without our kids." Biana said, sounding extremely disappointed at the thought of Sophie bailing out. Sophie focused on the the last part. Biana too?, she thought. Every one of her friends seemed to have kids in this alternate universe.

"No, Biana. We're not canceling. I just had a question."

"Oh. Okay." Biana said, her face brightening considerably.

"Okay. Well, this is going to sound a bit strange, but does today seem any different than yesterday? Does anything seem strange? Like at all?" Sophie asked cautiously.

"Ummm, not that I'm aware of." Biana replied, her eyes narrowing slightly at Sophie. Sophie's face fell.

"Okay. I guess that was all. Thanks anways."

"Now wait just a second. Your just going to spring a question like that on me and not even explain?"

"That was the plan." Sophie mumbled. Biana sighed and rolled her eyes.

"Well, Sophie Elizabeth Sencen, you are not getting off the hook that easily. Now where did that come from? Why'd you ask a question like that?"

"I don't know. I just feel a bit off today, I guess." Sophie said hesitantly.

"You aren't fooling me, Sophie. And, if you tried to pull that one over on Keefe, I'm sure he said the same thing."

Sophie lifted her hand to her eye, pulling out one of her eyelashes. When she noticed what she was doing, she immediately pulled her hand away. Now Biana would definitely know something was wrong. Not that she didn't already know. How was she going to get out of this mess? She may be able to lie to most elves, but Biana was not one of them.

"Oh just spit it out Sophie. If you're pregnant again, I'm not going to care." Biana said, clearly exasperated.

Oh. Right. She actually was pregnant. She'd forgetten about that. At least it got Biana off of her back.


"Yes, what? Are you actually pregnant again?"

"Yes." Sophie said again.

"Oh. My. Goodness!!! I get another niece or nephew!!" she screeched.

"Ow, Biana, my ears. Calm down." Sophie said over Biana's excited gasps. Biana controlled her breathing and put on a serious expression.

"Wait a second. Didn't you only want three kids? Did you seriously let Keefe get you pregnant again? Sophie!" she scolded. Sophie's face started to heat up.

"Ew, Biana! I don't want to think about that!" Sophie said, hiding her burning face in her hands.

"Sophie, you're married to him. It's not like I don't know you two have s-"


"What?!" Biana asked, terribly confused.

Sophie moaned in response. She was positive her face was going to explode, it was blazing so fiercely. Her cheeks were crimson, she was sure.

"Honestly, Sophie! What is wrong with you today?"

"A lot." she mumbled through her hands.

"Yeah, I noticed. But seriously. You haven't acted like this since..."

Sophie looked through her hands at the imparter when Biana trailed off. The next thing that came out of Biana's mouth shocked Sophie more than anything else in their conversation. 

"You're not from around here, are you?"

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