Chapter 23

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The first thing she became aware of was screaming. Really, really loud screaming. In her ear.

Sophie grunted, opening her eyes to an almost-perfect replica of Keefe. If Keefe were a girl and only six years old. 

"Alora, why on earth are screaming?" Sophie grumbled, obviously irritated.

"Daddy told me to wake you up!" Alora replied excitedly. 

"Of course he did." she scowled. 

"So, are you up? Are you up? Are you up?" Alora yelled, jumping up and down next to Sophie on the bed. 

"Yep. I'm definitely up." she said, pulling herself up into a sitting position. 

Sophie yawned, stretching out her arms and noticing the sleeves on her arms. She was still in her same clothes from yesterday. What happened last night?, she asked herself. A second later, the memories started pooring in. Going to Linh's house. Tam's mustache. Almost kissing Keefe. Dinner. Resting her head on Keefe's shoulder. Falling asleep. Keefe telling her he loved her. It must have been for the sake of appearances, right?, she thought. Yes. I'm sure that's what it was. Keefe doesn't love me. 

Sophie swung her legs over the side of the bed, pushing herself into a standing postion. 

"C'mon, Alora. Let's go downstairs and get some breakfast." she said, holding out her hand to her future daughter. 

"Breakfast! Breakfast! Breakfast! Breakfast!" Alora cheered, continuing the chant all the way to the dining room. 

When they entered, Keefe spun around from his place at the counter, a smile breaking out over his face, and held his arms open, inviting Alora to jump into them. Letting go of Sophie's hand, she ran into his arms and he hoisted her up onto his hip. 

"Hey there, princess." he said and she giggled. Keefe smiled down at her, and Sophie saw the love in his eyes. Her expression softened and her heart melted. Keefe was going to make a great dad one day. '

"I can't believe you told her to wake me up." Sophie said, pulling Keefe's attention from Alora. She put her hands on her hips and glared playfully at him. Keefe laughed and put Alora down. 

"Sorry, Foster, but you did sleep 11 hours." he chuckled. 

"Did not!" she exclaimed. 

"Did too." 

"Did not." 

"Did too. What, does Foster need her beauty sleep?" 

"You're so annoying!" she said, playfully rolling her eyes. 

"You know you love me." he replied, his signature smirk making it's way onto his face.

"Eww, stop." Kenric said from the table. "I've told you guys a thousand times that I don't want to hear your weird flirting while I'm eating. It's gross." 

Ashton nodded, not looking up from his book, and Alora laughed. Sophie's mouth dropped open, a blush crossing her cheeks. 

"We weren't-" she started before Keefe cut her off. 

"Sorry, Kenric. We forgot." he apologized and Sophie shot him a look. They weren't flirting and he knew it. Keefe just shrugged. 

"That's what you say everytime." he mumbled, rolling his eyes and shoving another bite into his mouth. 

"Wait, Kenric, why are you downstairs? Aren't you supposed to be staying in bed?" Sophie asked, her eyebrows furrowing together.

"Elwin came by last night for a check up and told dad that I could move around again. You were asleep and dad didn't want to wake you up to tell you." he replied and Sophie nodded, processing. How much had she missed last night by falling asleep at Linh's?

"Would you like some breakfast, Mysterious Miss F?" Keefe asked and Sophie nodded absentmindedly, accepting the bowl he handed her. She sat down and starting eating in silence.

Sophie could easily say that the rest of breakfast wasn't quiet. It consisted of at least two food fights and lots and lots of playful teasing. Keefe and Sophie were really starting to warm up to their future family and it was nice for all of them. 

Once everyone was finished, Keefe stood up from the table.

"Ashton, Kenric, are you ready for school?" he asked. Sophie looked over at him, a confused look on her face. Sensing her befuddlement, Keefe lookeed down at her. 

"It's Monday. That means Foxfire." he mouthed to her and she nodded. Sophie hadn't really thought about that. 

Keefe walked the boys to the Leapmaster and, immediately after he came back into the dining room, Sophie opened her mouth. 

"I have a question about last night." she said and Keefe motioned for her to continue. "What happened after I fell asleep?"

"Well, everyone continued talking for a while, which you suprisingly didn't wake up once for. Eventually, everyone decided it was time to call it a night and I light-leaped us back here. You were still asleep, so I carried you back up to the bedroom, and that's when Elwin came. He checked on Kenric, told him he could move around again, and then left. The rest was just me making sure all three kids were ready for bed and in bed. Alora was a bit hard on that front, but overall not too terrible." Alora giggled at that and Keefe smiled at her before turning back to Sophie. "You really didn't miss much." 

"Sorry you had to do everything last night." Sophie said, wincing. 

"Hey, Foster, it's alright. You had a long day. I don't blame you for falling asleep." Keefe reassured, smiling softly at her. Her butterflies stirred again and she wondered what she did to deserve such an amazing husband. Wait. No. That wasn't right. She wasn't ready to accept that just yet. Keefe was just a friend. 

"Thanks, Keefe." she replied, a smile also gracing her face. 

"Anytime, Foster." Keefe said, eyes softening and his smile getting even sweeter, if that was even possible. Something in Sophie pushed her forward, moving her closer to Keefe. Without her permission, her hands moved to the sides of Keefe's face, his stubble brushing her palms. She pulled his face down and brought her mouth to his cheek. Her lips lingered there for a few moments before she pulled away, blushing, leaving a shocked expression on his fce. 

"Really, Keefe. Thank you. You're always there for me. I couldn't wish for a better best friend." 

The stunned expression vanished and a light dusting of pink covered Keefe's cheeks. He smiled at Sophie again and pulled her into a hug. 

Sophie didn't know how long they stayed like that, but she never felt happier than when she was in his arms. Because he's my friend, she told herself. It doesn't mean I'm in love with him.

"Daddy!" Alora yelled suddenly and the duo broke apart. Keefe sent Sophie one more smile before turning to Alora. 

"Alora!" he yelled back with the same energy and she giggled. 

"Can we pleaseeeeee go to Aunt Biana and Uncle Tam's house so I can play with Beck and Jace?" she asked, her eyes pleading. 

"Why don't you ask mommy?" he suggested, turning to Sophie. 

"Biana knows, so I don't see why not." Sophie answered, shrugging. 

"Let me just hail Biana." she said, pulling out her imparter. At that second, Sophie's imparter started to ring, the name Biana flashing across the top. She answered it and was met with two minature faces. 

"Hi Aunt Sophie! Can Alora come over?" they said in unison. These must be Biana's kids, Sophie thought. They were twins, by the look of it, and around Alora's age. They both had Biana's hair, but Tam's eyes. 

"She can. Is that okay with your mom?" Sophie asked. 

"Yep!" they replied, both giggling. 

"Jace! Beck! Are you on my imparter again? You better not be calling-" Sophie heard Biana yelling in the background before the imparter went black. She turned to Keefe and they both burst out laughing.

Once they'd controlled their laughter, Sophie picked up Alora and pulled out her pathfinder.

"Guess we're going to Biana's house." 

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